v2.6.0 (2024-10-22)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add ability to specify foreign key suffix on enum class.
v2.5.4 (2023-01-09)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add MIT license file.
v2.5.3 (2022-02-02)
Fixed bugs:
- Prevent
instantiates new instance ofEnumerations::Base
; returnsString
Merged pull requests:
- Prevent method_missing to instantiates new Enumerations::Base #58 (PetarCurkovic)
v2.5.2 (2022-01-27)
Implemented enhancements:
- Adds Ruby 3.1 to test suite. Changes the runner to ubuntu-latest.
Closed issues:
- Ruby 3.0,
respond_to? :name
always returns true #55
Merged pull requests:
- Initialize
with a String #56 (lovro-bikic) - Test against Ruby 3.1 #57 (lovro-bikic)
v2.5.1 (2021-05-24)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add support for Ruby 3 #52
v2.5.0 (2021-03-03)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add
configuration option to disable raising errors on invalid values
v2.4.0 (2019-02-07)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add
configuration option to disable translation of attributes
v2.3.3 (2019-19-09)
v2.3.2 (2019-03-27)
v2.3.1 (2017-09-08)
v2.3.0 (2017-09-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- Setting attribute to nil if enumeration value is unknown - surprising? #35
- Add
methods #31 - Add methods with '?' #19
- Add with_enumeration(enumeration) scope #18
Closed issues:
- Not assigning the enumeration when tweaking the primary and foreign key #32
- Undocumented feature - can't set attribute if it's not in the enumeration #30
Merged pull requests:
- Feature/raising error on invalid enumeration value #38 (PetarCurkovic)
- Bugfix/config options #37 (PetarCurkovic)
- Feature/predicate methods for attributes #36 (PetarCurkovic)
- Feature/without scopes #34 (PetarCurkovic)
- Feature/with enumeration scope #33 (PetarCurkovic)
v2.2.3 (2017-03-17)
v2.2.2 (2017-03-01)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add id and quoted_id methods #20
Fixed bugs:
- Error when assiging nil #21
Closed issues:
- upgrade to new codeclimate reporter #25
- Giving a invalid enum name raises an error #23
- Make second argument to Enumerations.value optional #22
Merged pull requests:
- Make second argument to Enumerations.value optional #28 (domagojnakic)
- Fix giving invalid enum name raises error #27 (domagojnakic)
- Replaced CodeClimate::TestReporter with SimpleCov #26 (PetarCurkovic)
- Add migration readme #24 (Narayanan170)
v2.2.1 (2016-09-20)
Closed issues:
- Add option to store foreign_key as string #14
Merged pull requests:
- Bugfix/empty initializer #17 (PetarCurkovic)
v2.2.0 (2016-09-19)
Merged pull requests:
- Feature/remove #16 (PetarCurkovic)
v2.1.0 (2016-08-19)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Feature/where filtering #13 (PetarCurkovic)
- Feature/localized attributes #12 (PetarCurkovic)
v2.0.0 (2016-08-17)
Merged pull requests:
- Update version to 2.0.0 #11 (PetarCurkovic)
- Refactor #10 (PetarCurkovic)
v1.3.0 (2016-08-11)
v1.1.1 (2016-06-07)
Merged pull requests:
- Bugfix/value-id #8 (nikajukic)
- Document configuration options #7 (stankec)
- Refactoring all around #5 (janvarljen)
- Added value method and support for custom attributes #4 (PetarCurkovic)
- Some refactoring and updated README #2 (PetarCurkovic)
v1.1.0 (2012-08-19)
Merged pull requests: