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File metadata and controls

89 lines (74 loc) · 5.37 KB

What issues will you address by cleaning the data? The issues that I had addressed by cleaning data includes: (incorrect, corrupted, incorrectly formatted, duplicate, or incomplete data).

Queries: Below, provide the SQL queries you used to clean your data.

  1. Sets the Currency code fro each country as per its country name. Also, update/Change the currency code for those who have country name but wrong curency code like Canada has USD after updation it will have CAD.

Query: update allsessions set currencycode = (case when country = 'Canada' and (currencycode is null or currencycode = 'USD') then 'CAD' when country = 'Turkey' and (currencycode is null or currencycode = 'USD') then 'TRY' when country = 'Czechia' and (currencycode is null or currencycode = 'USD') then 'CZK' when country = 'Hong Kong' and (currencycode is null or currencycode = 'USD') then 'HKD' when (country = 'Spain' or country = 'Germany' or country = 'Belgium' or country = 'Finland' or country = 'France' or country = 'Ireland' or country = 'Italy' or country = 'Netherlands') and (currencycode is null or currencycode = 'USD') then 'EUR' when country = 'Argentina' and (currencycode is null or currencycode = 'USD') then 'ARS' when country = 'Australia' and (currencycode is null or currencycode = 'USD') then 'AUD' when country = 'Belgium' and (currencycode is null or currencycode = 'USD') then 'ARS' when country = 'Brazil' and (currencycode is null or currencycode = 'USD') then 'BRL' when country = 'Chile' and (currencycode is null or currencycode = 'USD') then 'CLF' when country = 'Croatia' and (currencycode is null or currencycode = 'USD') then 'HRK' when country = 'Denmark' and (currencycode is null or currencycode = 'USD') then 'DKK' when country = 'El Salvador' and (currencycode is null or currencycode = 'USD') then 'SVC' when country = 'Hungary' and (currencycode is null or currencycode = 'USD') then 'HUF' when country = 'India' and (currencycode is null or currencycode = 'USD') then 'INR' when country = 'Indonesia' and (currencycode is null or currencycode = 'USD') then 'IDR' when country = 'Japan' and (currencycode is null or currencycode = 'USD') then 'JPY' when country = 'Mexico' and (currencycode is null or currencycode = 'USD') then 'MXN' when country = 'Myanmar' and (currencycode is null or currencycode = 'USD') then 'MMK' when country = 'Norway' and (currencycode is null or currencycode = 'USD') then 'NOK' when country = 'Pakistan' and (currencycode is null or currencycode = 'USD') then 'PKR' when country = 'Peru' and (currencycode is null or currencycode = 'USD') then 'PEN' when country = 'Phillippines' and (currencycode is null or currencycode = 'USD') then 'PHP' when country = 'Romania' and (currencycode is null or currencycode = 'USD') then 'RON' when country = 'Philippines' and (currencycode is null or currencycode = 'USD') then 'PHP' when country = 'Russia' and (currencycode is null or currencycode = 'USD') then 'RUB' when country = 'Singapore' and (currencycode is null or currencycode = 'USD') then 'SGD' when country = 'Singapore' and (currencycode is null or currencycode = 'USD') then 'SGD' when country = 'Sweden' and (currencycode is null or currencycode = 'USD') then 'SEK' when country = 'Switzerland' and (currencycode is null or currencycode = 'USD') then 'CHE' when country = 'Taiwan' and (currencycode is null or currencycode = 'USD') then 'TWD' when country = 'Thailand' and (currencycode is null or currencycode = 'USD') then 'THB' when country = 'Ukraine' and (currencycode is null or currencycode = 'USD') then 'UAH' when country = 'United Kingdom' and (currencycode is null or currencycode = 'USD') then 'GBP' when country = 'Vietnam' and (currencycode is null or currencycode = 'USD') then 'VND' when country = 'New Zealand' and (currencycode is null or currencycode = 'USD') then 'NZD' when country = 'United States' then 'USD' end);

  1. Update totaltransactionrevenueod of allsession column as 0 whose value is null in order make data as readable form.

Query: update allsessions set totaltransactionrevenue = ( CASE when totaltransactionrevenue is not null then totaltransactionrevenue when totaltransactionrevenue is null then 0 end );

  1. Update the city value as N/A in those row who have 'not available in demo dataset' or '(not set)' so that data becomes more consistent.

Query: update allsessions set city = ( CASE WHEN city = 'not available in demo dataset' or city = '(not set)' THEN 'N/A' when city is not null then city end );

  1. In Analytics table, have alot of values that are repeated with same input but the only difference is unit_price;

Query: Select * from analytics -- results into 4301122 data

CREATE TABLE analytics_2 AS SELECT DISTINCT * FROM analytics; select * from analytics_2 -- results into 1739308 data

  1. Remove irrelevant, redundant, or duplicate data: ALTER TABLE analytics ALTER COLUMN timeonsite TYPE VARCHAR USING LPAD(timeonsite::VARCHAR, 6, '0');

UPDATE analytics SET timeonsite = CONCAT( SUBSTRING(timeonsite, 1, 2), ':', SUBSTRING(timeonsite, 3, 2), ':', SUBSTRING(timeonsite, 5, 2) );

UPDATE analytics SET timeonsite = TIME '00:00:00' + INTERVAL '1 hour' * CAST(SUBSTR(timeonsite, 1, 2) AS INTEGER) + INTERVAL '1 minute' * CAST(SUBSTR(timeonsite, 4, 2) AS INTEGER) + INTERVAL '1 second' * CAST(SUBSTR(timeonsite, 7, 2) AS INTEGER);

ALTER TABLE analytics ALTER COLUMN timeonsite TYPE TIME USING timeonsite::TIME;