The project is deployed here:
Plaques shown at Dharma Treasury Temple, Medicine Master Buddha and As You Wish plaques
npm install --force
to install all dependencies
npm start
to start a local dev server
npm run build
build the website in the build folder and copy the build folder content to the staging environment at Azure blob storage to deploy changes
The website is hosted on Azure Storage, in the $web container of storage account of plaquetv. Copy the content of build folder to the $web container will deploy the new build.
Copy can be done on Azure portal, Azure Storage Explorer, or Azure command line.
Check deployToProd
task in package.json to see a sample command of using Azure command line tools.
It is developed by Ray Juang ( and Ray Xu ( code written before 5/5/2023 are collapsed into the first commit.
All plaque data are contained in plaques.json file.
crontab -e
sudo service cron start
0 * * * * cd /mnt/d/Bin/trade/trading_tech/otm_puts && /mnt/d/Bin/trade/venv/bin/python /mnt/d/Bin/trade/trading_tech/otm_puts/
0 * * * * /mnt/d/Bin/trade/venv/bin/python /mnt/d/Bin/trade/trading_tech/otm_puts/ --tda_api_program='watch_list_quotes' --save_location='/mnt/d/Bin/quotes'
1 * * * * /mnt/d/Bin/trade/venv/bin/python /mnt/d/Bin/trade/trading_tech/otm_puts/ --tda_api_program='save_option_chains' --save_location='/mnt/f'
5,55 * * * * /mnt/d/Bin/trade/venv/bin/python /mnt/d/Bin/trade/trading_tech/otm_puts/ --tda_api_program='index_put_iv' --save_location='/mnt/d/Bin/quotes'
- Create-React-app
- react-grid-gallery
- fontsource
- axios
- react-card-flip
- react-player
- react-responsive-carousel
- react-redux, @reduxjs/toolkit
- pillow
- react-use-keypress
- material-ui (