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8 Dashboard and Reporting System

tasuarez edited this page Jun 25, 2019 · 2 revisions

In order to present the dangerousness inference's results -taken from the integration between Driver Assistance and Driving Simulation-, we propose a Cloud Architecture (as described in the previous page).

Regarding the Dashboard System, we have integrated our Driving Assistance system with AWS IoT Core Services through MQTT messaging. By taking this integration as a starting point, we use AWS available tools such as Elastic Search + Kibana for rendering the evolution of the drowsiness/distraction indicators in real time.

Currently, with respect to the Dashboard System interface we present the following components:

  • Different real time Historic Diagrams for showcasing the evolution of both Drowsiness and Distraction status.
  • Authorized Driver's photo.
  • A map meant to show the vehicle's position and to notify the status changes (in-between and critical states).
  • VU-Meters for both Drowsiness and Distraction that show the latest higher value registered by Driver Assistance System logic.

Future feature development:

  • Provide more complexity to the User's Interface.
  • Integrate the Map display to a GPS system in order to provide information in real time (This will depend on each Fleet Management Control Center's GPS management tool)