The nodejs SDK for
- Following mixin developers documentation create your mixin app.
- Click the button "Click to generate a new session". Now you will have the bot session secrets.
The 6 digit number is your asset PIN The UUID is the new session ID The third line is the encrypted PIN_TOKEN The RSA PRIVATE KEY is your session KEY, please save the private Key as a file.
- decrypt the PIN_TOKEN using tools/decryptkey.go
go run tools/decryptkey.go -key mixin.key -label ********-eb33-4112-b30a-2ae287dfbe32 -message **********OIGnELd1XnAF...W4lFKnA/WEKkIwkzEM=
key is the filename of the private key label is the session ID message is the PIN_TOKEN
Then you have the decrypted string which is the aeskey.
- Please see the transfer example in examples/test.js. Or here for reference:
npm install mixin-node --save
const mixinjs = require('mixin-node');
let opts = {
client_id : "**********095-4960-8dd1-edf6e583a2a9",
aeskey : "*****DEN7P3k172oBLW3g/TUZa6Xa5MrgOOzKfXdv5A=",
pin : "854423",
session_id : "a335e1e3-eb33-4112-b30a-2ae287dfbe32",
privatekey : "mixin_dev.key" //filepath(String) or PrivateKey(Buffer)
let mixin = new mixinjs(opts);
let asset_id = "965e5c6e-434c-3fa9-b780-c50f43cd955c"; //CNB
let recipient_id = "*************-4152-9c5a-839d286f7e4f"; //User Account ID
let amount = "100";
let memo ="test transfer"
mixin.transferFromBot(asset_id, recipient_id, amount, memo)
.then( (result) =>{
}).catch( (err) => {
mixin.onMessage = (data) => {
return processing(msgobj);
console.log("list receipt_id:"+receipt_id);
mixin.sendText("my text",msgobj).then(function(receipt_id){
console.log("text message receipt_id:"+receipt_id);
let authLink = "" + config.mixin.client_id + "&scope=PROFILE:READ";
let btn = '[{"label":"auth","action":"' + authLink+ '","color":"#ff0033"}]'
mixin.sendButton(btn, msgobj).then(function(result){
mixin.requestAccessToken(code).then( (result) =>{
- 按照mixin开发者手册指引,建立app.
- 在Dashboard 点击 Click to generate a new session,记录下全部生成的信息。
第一行的 6 位数字是 api接入 的提现/转账PIN 码,此处也是机器人的提现/转账密码 第二行的 UUID 是 session ID, 第三行是PIN_TOKEN,
最后一部分 RSA PRIVATE KEY 是跟 API 进行交互时用来签名 JWT 的私钥,请把这部分保存成一个单独的文件,比如叫做 mixin.key
- 解密获得aeskey,在本repo的tools下提供了一个decryptkey.go这个工具用于解密
go run tools/decryptkey.go -key mixin.key -label a335e1e3-eb33-4112-b30a-2ae287dfbe32 -message **********OIGnELd1XnAF...W4lFKnA/WEKkIwkzEM=
key 是前面保存的PRIVATE KEY的文件名,比如mixin.key label 是第2步中的session ID message 是第2步中的第三行,PIN_TOKEN
- 通过机器人转账的例子代码
npm install mixin-node --save
const mixinjs = require('mixin-node');
let opts = {
client_id : "**********095-4960-8dd1-edf6e583a2a9",
aeskey : "*****DEN7P3k172oBLW3g/TUZa6Xa5MrgOOzKfXdv5A=",
pin : "854423",
session_id : "a335e1e3-eb33-4112-b30a-2ae287dfbe32",
privatekey : "mixin_dev.key" //可以用带有路径的文件名string,或者直接传入Buffer
let mixin = new mixinjs(opts);
let asset_id = "965e5c6e-434c-3fa9-b780-c50f43cd955c"; //CNB
let recipient_id = "*************-4152-9c5a-839d286f7e4f"; //User Account ID
let amount = "100";
let memo ="test transfer"
mixin.transferFromBot(asset_id, recipient_id, amount, memo)
.then( (result) =>{
}).catch( (err) => {