Implementation of Physics-Informed Neural Networks for computational mechanics based on the deepXDE package.
- Euler-Bernoulli beams
- Heat equation problems
- Linear elasticity
- Four-point bending test
- Forward and inverse Lame` problems
- Solid beam
- Contact problems
- Contact between elastic body and rigid flat surface
- Hertzian contact problem
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Setup the framework using python develop, which will install utils
$ python develop
For more info: deepxde website
Note: DeepXDE needs one of the following packages for the backend-calculation. Read the website for more info.
- Tensorflow
- Pytorch
This repo has integration_tests
(testing for examples/frameworks) and unittests
(testing for specific functions). Testing is done by pytest
and tests are configured in the setup.cfg
To run tests, type on the terminal:
$ pytest
For cluster, we should use conda
since we had issues in terms of package installation particularly the package gmsh
. Enable pinn repo to run on cluster:
Install miniconda :
wget ./
Create the virtual environment using
which includes all necessary packages.conda env create -f environment.yml
Activate the generated venv (
)conda activate pinn-env
To test cluster, submit a job on a compute node. This is achieved through
(full path: pinnswithdxde/tests/integration_tests/cluster/$ sbatch $HOME/pinnswithdxde/tests/integration_tests/cluster/
Number of threads is set in
file. TensorFlow needs to beintra_op_parallelism_threads
parameters set. Thus, we
to the slurm job via sbatch. This enables TensorFlow to set OMP parameters that defined
: Do not forget to adopt the inside of
to specify the slurm options e.g.,--mail-user
. But the default one should work without error.
: Always be sure that you activated venvpinn-env
(step 3) beforesbatch
any slurm script. This includes other scripts you will run as well. The reason behind is that activating venv
needs the full path for the conda envpinn-env
and it gives some init error if the full path is used.
: For conda commands: A conda cheatsheet can be very useful.
: Some usefull information regarding CPU on cluster.
Whenever you use or mention 'pinns_for_comp_mech' in some sort of scientific document/publication/presentation, please cite the following publication. It is publicly avaliable at arXiv.
title={Solving Forward and Inverse Problems of Contact Mechanics using Physics-Informed Neural Networks},
author={Sahin, Tarik and von Danwitz, Max and Popp, Alexander},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.12716},
Paper results are obtained in hastag: c79d3f24023e36341385f10d728e5a93c925fad3