Capstone projects are solo projects at the end of the each of the Microverse Main Technical Curriculum sections.
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👤 Rahma Halane
- Github: @Imahnama
- Twitter: @halane_rahma
- Linkedin: Rahmahalane
Contributions, issues and feature requests are all welcome! Start by:
Forking the project Cloning the project to your local machine cd into the project directory Run git checkout -b your-branch-name Make your contributions Push your branch up to your forked repository Open a Pull Request with a detailed description to the development branch of the original project for a review Please feel free to contribute to any of these!
Feel free to check the issues/.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!!
- Freecodecamp
- w3schools
- The Original design is attributed to Cindy Shin on Behance
The original design is licenced under the Creative Commons 4.0 licence