Self-Balance Robot is somewhat which balances itself and automatically corrects its position on disturbance.
It will be prevented from falling by giving acceleration to the wheels according to its inclination from the vertical. If the bot gets tilts by an angle, than in the frame of the wheels, the center of mass of the bot will experience a pseudo force which will apply a torque opposite to the direction of tilt.
That’s the technical answer. If you want to know in simple terms, recall the stick balancing game which you used to play in your childhood.Yeah, the one in which you balance stick in your hand. If stick falls forward, you move your hand forward and vice-versa. Now consider the stick your robot and the 2 tire’s as your hands. The same technique you used to balance stick will now be used to balance robot.
1x Arduino UNO
1x HC-05 Bluetooth Module
1x MPU 6050
1x L293D
1x IC7805
1x Battery
2x 500 rpm Motors
2x Motor clamps with screws
Some jumper wires and breadboard/PCB