Pure dart, ultra-lite package to interact with the Shikimori Anime API
Install the package by running this command:
dart pub add shikimori_api
// Initialize the Shikimori API
final api = ShikimoriApi();
// Get a list of popular anime
final animeList = await api.getPopularAnimeList();
// Get an anime by its ID
final anime = await api.getAnimeById(id: 16498);
// Get a list of anime similar to the one with the given ID
final similarAnime = await api.getSimilarAnimeRecommendations(id: 16498);
// Get a list of anime images for the anime with the given ID
final animeScreenshots = await api.getAnimeScreenshots(id: 16498);
// Get a list of external links for the anime with the given ID
final externalLinks = await api.getAnimeExternalLinks(id: 16498);
// Search for anime
final searchResults = await api.searchAnime(query: 'Attack on Titan');
// Get a list of top-rated anime
final topRatedAnime = await api.getTopRatedAnimeList();
// Get a list of recent anime
final recentAnime = await api.getRecentAnimeList();
// Get a list of topics for the anime with the given ID
final animeTopics = await api.getAnimeTopics(id: 16498);
// Get a list of videos for the anime with the given ID
final animeVideos = await api.getAnimeVideos(id: 16498);
// Get a list of roles for the anime with the given ID
final animeRoles = await api.getAnimeRoles(id: 16498);
// Get a character by its ID
final character = await api.getCharacterById(id: 1);
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | int | Anime ID |
name | String | Anime name |
russian | String? | Anime Russian name (Nullable) |
image | AnimeImage |
Anime image details |
url | String | Anime URL |
kind | String | Kind of object |
score | String | Anime score |
status | String | Anime status |
episodes | int | Total episodes |
episodesAired | int | Episodes aired |
airedOn | String | Aired date |
releasedOn | String? | Released date (Nullable) |
Parameter | Type | Description |
original | String | Original image URL |
preview | String | Preview image URL |
x96 | String | Image URL (96x96 size) |
x48 | String | Image URL (48x48 size) |
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | int | Character ID |
name | String | Character name |
russian | String? | Character Russian name (Nullable) |
url | String | Character URL |
altname | String? | Alternative name (Nullable) |
japanese | String | Japanese name |
description | String? | Description of the object (Nullable) |
descriptionHtml | String | HTML-formatted description of the object |
descriptionSource | String? | Description source (Nullable) |
favoured | bool | Whether the object is favored |
threadId | int | Thread ID related to the object |
topicId | int | Topic ID related to the object |
updatedAt | String | Last update timestamp |
seyu | List<Seyu > |
List of voice actors |
image | AnimeImage |
Image details of the object |
animes | List<Anime > |
List of related anime |
Parameter | Type | Description |
roles | List | List of roles |
rolesRussian | List | List of Russian roles |
character | Character ? |
Character object (Nullable) |
person | Person ? |
Person object (Nullable) |
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | int | Person ID |
name | String | Person name |
russian | String | Person Russian name |
image | AnimeImage |
Person image details |
url | String | Person URL |
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | int | Seyu ID |
name | String | Seyu name |
russian | String | Seyu Russian name |
image | AnimeImage |
Seyu image details |
url | String | Seyu URL |
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | int | Topic ID |
topicTitle | String | Title of the topic |
body | String | Body of the topic |
htmlBody | String | HTML body of the topic |
htmlFooter | String | HTML footer |
createdAt | String | Creation timestamp |
commentsCount | int | Count of comments |
forum | Forum |
Forum object |
user | User |
User object |
type | String | Type of the object |
linkedId | int | ID of the linked object |
linkedType | String | Type of the linked object |
linked | Linked |
Linked object |
viewed | bool | Whether the topic is viewed |
lastCommentViewed | dynamic | Last viewed comment |
event | dynamic | Event related to the topic |
episode | dynamic | Episode related to the topic |
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | int | Video ID |
url | String | Video URL |
imageUrl | String | Image URL |
playerUrl | String | Player URL |
name | String? | Video name (Nullable) |
kind | String | Kind of object |
hosting | String | Hosting platform |
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | int? | Link ID (Nullable) |
kind | String | Kind of object |
url | String | Link URL |
source | String | Source of the object |
entryId | int | Entry ID |
entryType | String | Type of entry |
createdAt | String? | Creation timestamp (Nullable) |
updatedAt | String? | Update timestamp (Nullable) |
importedAt | String? | Import timestamp (Nullable) |