Developing a Collaboration Web Application using AngularJS, Java, SpringMVC and Hibenate. This Collaboration site is an Online Social website to enable alumni to interact with existing students to share their experience and Knowledge.
The Role of this site are Student/Alumni/Admin/Employee.
- The Students can view the Job opportunities and events
- The can able to create and edit their profile.
- They can view / search other members of the site.
- Students can able to make friends with each other.
- Providing Authentication mechanism to verify the credentials.
- Providing Authorization mechanism to restrict access to admin functions based on the fact whether the current user is an admin or not.
- Admin can add new Job opportunities, Add events.
- Technology : Bootstrap, AngularJS, Spring MVC, Hibernate and RESTfull Service.
- Application Servicer: Apache Tomcat Server
- Database : Oracle Database.
###Link for the Project:
- User Registeration Page
- User Login Page
- BlogList(Land Page):
- BlogList:
- BlogList(Searching Blog):
- Add Post:
- Update Post:
- Job List for Admin:
- Job List for User:
- Add Job (can post by ADMIN or EMPLOYEE):
- Update Job:
- UserList for sending friendRequest:
- Friend List:
- Chatting:
- invalid Login (Validation):
- LogOut: