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OblikSoft testing

html css sass javascript typescript react redux



The project must be implemented on the following stack:

  1. React 16+
  2. Redux + Redux toolkit (slice)
  3. Typescript
  4. React Router Dom v6
  5. Any UI library or libraries can be used

  • The layout should be px perf
  • Validations:
    • Phone number
    • Email
    • All fields must be filled
    • Validation when characters are entered
  • There must be an input with a phone number with masks, and a selection with different countries, when choosing a country, the mask changes (empty characters are marked as [ _ ], brackets and the country code are left as part of the mask).
  • The plate must be dynamically calculated times depending on the height of the user's screen
  • We store all data at the front, the default sorting is ASC by date
  • Working pagination is expected


The frameworks/libraries/modules used in the project

  • React + Typescript npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript
  • Redux Toolkit npm install @reduxjs/toolkit
  • Material UI npm install @mui/material @mui/styled-engine-sc styled-components
  • Formik npm install formik --save
  • React-Phone-Input-2 npm install react-phone-input-2 --save
  • Yap npm install -S yup
  • Inputmask npm i inputmask
  • Libphonenumber npm install libphonenumber-js --save
  • gh-pages npm install gh-pages --save-dev
