Simulate the MQTT full environment with Docker containers.
The scripts are tested on Linux System. Do not use on Docker Windows, this will not work, because of storage volumes (persistence data)
chmod +x
From root directory:
Attention before backup, if you need to backup Odoo
follow the manual backup on above setup on (ODOO BACKUP/RESTORE Database)
From root directory:
From root directory:
Attention after backup, if you need to restore Odoo
follow the manual restore on above setup on (ODOO BACKUP/RESTORE Database)
Odoo: http://localhost:8069
Node-Red: http://localhost:1880
Postgres: 5432
Odoo: 8069
Node-Red: 1880
Mosquitto: 1883
Follow the DockerContainers/BackupContainers instructions to backup & restore the volume containers.
Postgres: postgres-db-data
Odoo: odoo-data
Node-Red: nodered-data
Mosquitto: mosquitto-data
First time access odoo, introduce DB name (ex: odoo), email, and password. odoo_configuration_1.png
After that, install plugin manufacturing.
Need to install pallete: node-red-contrib-odoo-xmlrpc-with-filters
Go to Settings > Pallete > Install > node-red-contrib-odoo-xmlrpc-with-filters
Create first, Postgres DB:
Create after, odoo:
Show logs:
To delete every odoo related containers & storage volumes:
Remove & Run again:
Odoo need to set the master password to secure the database.
- Use this link: http://localhost:8069/web/database/manager
- Set Master Password
- New master password (choose by you)
If necessary you can backup and restore your database to ensure a secure restore of the same.
- use this link: http://localhost:8069/web/database/manager
- Backup
- Master Password: (define by you in the above setup)
- Database name: (defined by you: odoo)
- Backup Format: ZIP
- Backup button (The backup may take some time before being ready)
- Exported file ex:
- Restore Database
- Master Password: (define by you in the above setup)
- Choose File: exported above (ex:
- Database Name: (defined by you: odoo)
- Check: This database is a copy
- Continue
Create node-red container:
Show logs:
To delete node-red & storage volume of container:
Remove & Run again:
The saved mosquitto.conf is to ensure the persistence data.
Create mosquitto container:
Show logs (this probably not show any logs, so use the specified container volume to see this logs):
To delete node-red & storage volume of container:
Remove & Run again: