Release 1.1 - 26.09.2021
* Changed unsecure functions[x]
* Beautify interface[x]
* Redesigned reports
Release 1.02 - 21.09.2021
* new icon[x]
+ Connected with WinMTR Commandline Project[x]
* Beautify code
Release 1.01 - 18.09.2021
- removed extra screens[x]
+ added ARM versions[x]
! Code improvements
Release 1.00 - 13.01.2014
- removed Windows 2000 support[x]
+ added IPv6 support[x]
+ clickable entries when stopped... (why the heck wasn't it possible before?)[x]
* added start delay of about 30ms for each hop (870ms before the 30th hop gets queried) this should improve performance and reduces network load[x]
! fixed trace list freeze (list didn't update while tracing, happens when tracing just one hop)[x]
* theme support (more fancy look :P)[ ]
+ remembers window size[x]
! CTRL+A works for host input[ ]
+ host history: pressing del key or right mouse will remove selected entry[ ]
* new icon
Release 0.92 - 31.01.2011
fixing reporting errors for very slow connections.
Release 0.91 - 11.01.2011
* Version is out under GPL v2, by popular request.
Release 0.9 - 24.12.2010
! New version! for 32 and 64-bit Operating Systems.[x]
! Now works on Windows 7 as a regular user.[x]
* Various bug fixes.[x]
* License changed from GPL to commercial, but not for long 😉
Release 0.8 - 20.01.2002
* Last entered hosts an options are now hold in registry. Home page and development moved to Sourceforge.
Release 0.7 - 09.05.2001
* Replace edit box with combo box which hold last entered host names. Fixed a memory leak which caused program to crash after a long time running.
Release 0.6 - 27.11.2000
+ Added resizing support and flat buttons.
Release 0.5 - 26.11.2000
+ Added copy data to clipboard and possibility to save data to file as text or HTML.
Release 0.4 - 03.08.2000
+ Added double-click on host name in list for detailed information.
Release 0.3 - 02.08.2000
! Fixed ICMP error codes handling. Print an error message corresponding to ICP_HOST_UNREACHABLE error code instead of a empty line.
Release 0.2 - 01.08.2000
+ Support for full command-line operations.
Release 0.1 - 28.07.2000
+ First release.