This is a boilerplate created to help start projects of React apps from scratch based in JS.
The motivations to have done this boilerplate are:
- to avoid the abstractions that
does for us, when creating a new app project; - ensure more awareness about what dependencies are being used and how are being setted up in the development environment.
This boilerplate was made following the instructions on:
- this guide made by Journal service
- this The Net Ninja's playlist on Youtube
- React docs
- Babel docs
- webpack docs
- [JSX styleguide + lint]
- [CSS & Scss styleguide + lint]
- [JS styleguide + lint]
- [editor config]
- [formatting code tool]
- [integration of formatter and linters]
- [Git hooks tool]
- [Git hook precommit tool to apply lints on filechanges]
- [Git commit lint]
- [Git commit cli tool for styleguideed messages]
- [Test FW]
- Migrate HMR (deprecated) to React Fast Refresh, when stable. Some urls:
- [TS version of this boilerplate]