Typescale Garden is a tool designed to assist you in creating, testing, and implementing your typographic scales.
It comprises three main components: a client project, a plugin, and a server.
This serves as the starting point for the entire process. Utilizing various controls as inputs, it calculates a typographic scale based on user configurations. The client allows fine-tuning and provides options for exporting to code, specifically in CSS format, and to design applications such as Figma through the plugin, in JSON format.
The plugin facilitates the direct importation of the typographic scale into Figma, streamlining the often tedious process of manually creating design tokens. You can find it here.
The server is intended to function as a library for users to store all their configurations. Additionally, it offers an alternative means of connecting the client and the plugin, enabling the direct importation into Figma of the selected typographic scale from the user's account.
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