Goal is to create Solitaire Deck Building game that educates the player about Roman era. If successful, I can continue doing this into my retirement.
- Gameplay: Aims to play like Dominion, but single player.
- Educational aspect: Each new game can highlight a single card (e.g. Julius Caesar, or Roman Legions) and provide interesting but accurate historical information. (intro screen, player needs to click "continue" to proceed)
- Solo games, examples
Cheapest possible, since the whole idea is to do this solo.
- Use pen-and-paper cards to prototype
- Use GPT to create visuals, in "Pompeii fresco" style for uniformity
- Use Godot to develop a product
- Keep as close to Dominion formula as we can
Solitaire specific mechanics:
- Use additional "history" deck to provide random help and challenge during the game, both for education and replayability
- Use victory cards as culmination and real challenge
- Trash player's cards when not able to overcome history/victory cards, to put mild pressure to finish the game
Educational specific mechanics:
- Game progresses in chronological stages corresponding to historical periods
- Make cards for each stage reflect economy, culture, military, religion, everyday life for that stage
- Have short (two paragraphs) "popular-history" text for each card when selected
- Have "card of the day" show-cased when starting a game
Historical stages, each with their own decks, are:
- Kingdom
- Early and mid Republic
- Late Republic
- Early Empire
- Mid and late Empire
Player learning curve and progression:
- Start simple (kingdom, stage 1): only 2 cards for money and army each, cards have only basic effects
- Increase strategic complexity (republic, stages 2-3): 3 cards for money and army each, some advanced effects
- Increase management overhead (empire, stages 3-4): additional 3 "provisions" cards, complex effects
Decks are:
- 10 action card same-card decks (chosen at random). Five cards available in each
- History deck, shuffled to be random. Ends with victory cards in precise order.
- Treasure same-card decks (differ for each stage)
- Player's deck of 10 cards (7 basic money and 3 basic army)
Game flow:
- Player draws five cards. When no cards are available, discarded cards are reshuffled and become new deck.
- Player can play action cards from his hand (1 by default) with immediate effect.
- At end of turn he must "overcome" a top history card. If successful, top history card is trashed. If not then top card from player's deck (or discarded deck) is trashed.
- Player can buy action cards (1 by default).
- Player discards used cards.
When all victory cards (last cards in history deck) has been "overcome", player wins this stage.
On screen tips when starting the game, uncovering one by one (other parts of the screen are hidden/blacked out):
- buy resources - and actions (deals these decks, audio effect)
- to improve your deck (deals players hand, audio effect)
- and overcome all events until victory (deals history deck, audio)
- progress counter x/N on the history deck (current history card / total num of history cards)
- game phase indicator for early history / late history / victory sequence (eg. screen border green, than yellow, then red)
- history card should be indicating whether it has been overcome or not. E.g. red exclamation/warning icon jumping and wiggling, turns into green checkbox with audio cue
- there should be clear indicator how many money/army more you need
Cue: Hint text that wiggles (or something) whenever it changes, with audio cue
- valid action cards should glow green when player should pick actions to play
- it should be clear how many actions player CAN play
- valid buyable card should glow green when player should pick cards to buy
- it should be clear how much money player has available
- it should be clear how many cards player CAN buy
- sound of dealing a card
- animation: card going into its slot
- animation, card moves in its slot
- sound for card moving
- Effects activated one by one: money, army, action, buy (sound + badge wiggling or popping)
- animation: card animation
- challenge sound
- effects activated (sound + badge animation)
- Trash card
- Discard card
- Buy a card
- Overcomming a challenge
- New Turn
Possible unlocks:
- More levels
- Cards: more powerful actions, special actions you "spend" once per game (more money/ army/ anything)
- joker cards
- more history cards
How to unlock them:
- win level
- play level N times (eg. 1,2,3,5,8,13)
- win with N extra money/army (total from all turns)
- win with 0 failed challenges
Five levels:
- Kingdom
- Early/mid republic
- Late republic
- Early empire
- mid/late empire
Cards are:
Money | Army | Action cards | History cards | Victory cards |
Barter Goods | Citizen Militia | Grain Harvest | Romulus | Tyrant Exile |
Aes Rude | Centuria | Roman Gods | Sabine Women | Dual Consuls |
Plebs | Curiate Assembly | Regillus Victory | ||
Patrician Clans | Solar Calendar | |||
Early Roads | Port of Ostia | |||
Agrarian Economy | Circus Maximus | |||
Regional Trade | Servian Wall | |||
River Tiber | Servian Reforms | |||
Roman Magistrates | Centuriate Assembly | |||
Latin Language | Temple of Jupiter | |||
Saturnalia | King's Election | |||
Private Schools | Military Triumph | |||
Military Outposts | Pontifex Maximus | |||
Roman Phalanxes | Seven Kings | |||
Urban Prefect | Vestal Virgins | |||
Debt Bondage | Roman Sewers | |||
Palatine Hill | Etruscan Neighbours | |||
Roman Senate | Latin League | |||
Public Forum | Magna Graecia | |||
Mars |
More: Seven Hills, First Aquaduct, Origins (Troy, Alba Longa), Pater Familias
Maybe: Divide history cards into two periods, so they are not completely random - then second period cards could be more challenging for example
Maniples Legions
Consuls Latin Wars Pyrhic victory Macedonian wars Punic wars Hanibal Scipio 12 tables Navy Public Tribunes Slavery Sessesion of the Plebs Siege of Syracuse Dictators Annales maximi
Sicilia Sardinia, Corsica (Mercenary Wars) Hispania Macedonia North Africa
Victory Sequence: Carthaga Corinth
Cohorts Legions
Coins: Sestertius, Denarius, Aurus Triumvirates Servile Wars Cicero Pompei Crassus Caesar Sula's civil War Conquest of Gaul Cleopatra Mark Antony
Victory sequence: Marius Sula Caesar Civil War Assasination of Caesar War of Actium - Oktavian Augustus
Illyricum Augustus Tiberus Calligula Conquest of Britan Vespasian Trajan Hadrian Hadrian's Wall Antonine Plague Mesopotamia and Assyria Year of Four Emperors Praetorian Guard Great Fire of Rome Nero
Diocletian Diocletian Reforms Rise of Christianity Constantine the Great Tetrarchy Barbarian Invasions Dacia Constantinople Alaric Sack of Rome Vandals Sack of Rome
Province Uprising Senate Session Barbarian Invasion Pax Romana Slave Revolt Marcus Aurelius Seneca Cicero Plague of Galen Pantheon Colosseum Julian Calendar Roman Numerals Jupiter Venus Minerva Neptune First Triumvirate Reforms of Diocletian Council of Nicaea Roman Decadence Empire Decline Public Bath Theatrical Play Gladiator Games Chariot Races Aqueduct Roman Bridge Roman Road Cursus publicus Acta Diurna Bureaucracy City Planning Roman Law Bread and circuses Military Medicine Legionary Training Roman Citizenship Basilica: Christian Temple Temple of Mars Roman Welfare Watchtowers Client Patron Relationships