Scilab Power Electronics ToolBox
Author ierturk @ ErturkMe
Version 0.3.0
Date 27-Apr-2022
Brief Scilab Power Electronics ToolBox
Module uses Scilab
SciPowerLab Toolbox ErturkMe - Power Electronics and Electrical Machines
Run builder.sce in root folder
Run loader.sce created by builder macro
Available Blocks
* xcpl_BLDC
Brushless DC Machine in abc frame
* xcpl_BLSC
Brushless DC Machine Sensored Controller
* xcpl_PMSM
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine in dq frame
* xcpl_PMSC
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine FOC Controller
* xcpl_IMPU
Induction Machine Per-Unit Model in dq frame
* xcpl_SVPWM
Space Vector PWM generator
* xcpl_PSDINV
Pseudo Inverter (It does not support three-state switching case)
Available Demos
* Field Oriented Controlling Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine
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