- wrap mailto-generator in IIFE
- added mailto-generator
- added Font Awesome 5 as a library to codeview
- fixed bug in mmenu logo
- option to add logo to mmenu
- mmenu added to codepen
- mmenu generator
- Codeview preview min-height increased
- Add CC field to feedback form
- Fixed JS issue on feedback form
- Fixed ID issue on feedback form
- Added generator for feedback form
- Added responsive controls for codeview
- Jobposting employmentType is now multiselect
- Jobposting generator checks required fields
- Changed Jobposting addressRegion to addressCountry
- Automatically set postdate in Jobposting to current date
- Added swiper to codepen
- Update script placement in mapgenerator
- Update Mapgenerator to use CCM
- FAQ Styling
- Remove Gutenberg again
- News can now have custom slugs
- Change userscript script field type
- Change userscript script field type
- Userscripts are now a custom post type with auto-update functionality
- Disabled paging on vscode_snippet query
- Autoshy post type for consumption through REST API
- Schema.org generator for dentist type
- Cleanup code
- Added benefits to jobpost generator
- Fix jobpost generator layout
- Generate news teaser image alt tag based on title
- Add explanation label to news teaser image input
- Include date in newsgenerator title output
- Teaserimage support for newsgenerator
- Structured newsgenerator output
- Updated node modules
- FAQ-Generator
- tinyMCE buttons to create tags
- Added notifications
- Darkmode for quicksearch
- Focus styling for quicksearch
- Tweak darkmode background for .box
- Show parent page name in quicksearch
- Quicksearch in header
- Escape newlines in jobpost generator output
- Split date input in jobpost generator
- Fixed newsgenerator now looking for a select with name="gewerk"
- Fixed form select fractal stripping last option
- Codeview JS output shouldn't be minified
- Rework codeview JS injection
- Escape backticks in codeview preview JS injection
- Restructure generator forms for better readability
- Update form fractals to display markers for required fields
- Changed the way full-width inputs are generated
- Fix dark mode input placeholder color
- job posting json generator
- Fix form fields not extending to full width of the column
- Code button for TinyMCE
- Scope Generator JS
- Fix Google Maps init
- Fix Google maps loading order and default values
- Pull Google API key using InsertFirmendaten
- Fixed news- and mapgenerators loading own script before jQuery was initialized
- Bundle assets with webpack
- Use Inter as default font https://rsms.me/inter/
- Replace Fontawesome with inline SVG
- reference jQuery instead of $ in backend
- Enqueue jQuery in Backend
- simplebar for codebox
- display version number in footer
- Do not set a cookie when enabling dark mode based on