- A Result Filter Operates on The Result That an Action Method Returns.
- The OutputCacheAttribute class is one example of a result filter, which is used to mark an action method whose output will be cached.
- The OutputCache filter indicates the MVC Framework to cache the output from an action method.
- The same content can be reused to service subsequent requests for the same URL.
- Caching action output can offer a significant increase in performance, because most of the time-consuming activities required to process a request are avoided.
- Following code snippet shows how to use OutpuCashe attribute:
- In this code, the [OutputCache] attribute is added to the index() action method of the Home controller.
- You can specify the duration for which the output of the action should be cached by specifying a Duration property with the duration time in seconds.
- Location property specifies where the output is to be cached. It takes enum value and can be stored at: Any (default Value) , Client, Downstream (proxy server), None (no caching), Server, ServerAndClient