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update github CI artifact #4

update github CI artifact

update github CI artifact #4

Workflow file for this run

name: smartgpg-test-applet
# Run this workflow every time a new commit pushed to your repository
on: push
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# Checkout repository
- name: checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
# Run actions
# Compilation tests
- name: applet tests
shell: bash
run: |
# get dependencies
echo "==== get dependencies";
sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends procps autoconf automake libtool m4 pkg-config help2man make gcc ant automake autotools-dev sudo wget gnupg software-properties-common maven git pcscd libpcsclite-dev opensc;
sudo apt-get install -y python3-setuptools python3-pyscard python3-pyasn1;
pip3 install OpenPGPpy;
# get JavaCard SDKs
echo "==== get JavaCard SDKs";
git clone && mv oracle_javacard_sdks/jc304_kit/ /tmp/ && mv oracle_javacard_sdks/jc305u4_kit/ /tmp/ && rm -rf oracle_javacard_sdks;
# compile SmartPGP
echo "==== compile SmartPGP";
cat build.xml | sed 's/<cap /<cap export="SmartPGPApplet" /' > /tmp/build.xml && mv /tmp/build.xml ./;
JC_HOME=/tmp/jc304_kit/ ant;
# clone jcardsim repository, compile and install
echo "==== clone jcardsim repository, compile and install";
git clone;
cd jcardsim && export JC_CLASSIC_HOME=/tmp/jc305u4_kit/ && mvn initialize && mvn clean package && cd -;
# clone vsmartcard, compile and install
echo "==== clone vsmartcard, compile and install";
git clone;
cd vsmartcard/virtualsmartcard && autoreconf --verbose --install && ./configure --sysconfdir=/etc && make && sudo make install && cd -;
# relaunch PCSC
echo "==== relaunch PCSC";
sudo killall -KILL pcscd 2> /dev/null || true;
sudo pcscd -fad 2>&1 > /tmp/log_pcsc &
sleep 2;
# launch jcardsim
echo "==== launch jcardsim";
java -cp jcardsim/target/jcardsim-3.0.5-SNAPSHOT.jar:SmartPGPApplet/smartpgp.jar com.licel.jcardsim.remote.VSmartCard .github/workflows/smartpgp.cfg 2>&1 > /tmp/log_jcardsim &
sleep 5;
# install SmartPGP
echo "==== test SmartPGP";
opensc-tool -l;
opensc-tool -s 80b800001810d276000124010304AFAF000000000000050000020F0F00;
# get card status
python3 .github/workflows/;
# main tests
python3 .github/workflows/;
- name: Upload All Artifacts file
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: "SmartPGPApplet-${{ github.run_number }}.cap"
path: |