C++ Runtime Reflection, With Clang Back-End.
- Class Reflection
- Constructor
- Fields
- Enumerations
- Arrays
- JSON Serialization & Deserialization
- Easy To Use Marker Design
- Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC) on Windows [✔️]
- GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) on Ubuntu [✔️]
- Clang on Ubuntu [✔️]
General Usage, here are two samples from UnitTest/UnitTest.cpp that shows the GetValueOf
and SetValueOf
functions in action.
auto* objectA = testObject->GetValueOf<TestObject2*>("A");
CHECK_NE(objectA, nullptr);
CHECK_EQ(objectA->GetValueOf<vgBool>("Foo"), true);
CHECK_EQ(objectA->GetValueOf<vgFloat>("Bar"), 3.0);
CHECK_EQ(objectA->GetValueOf<vgS32>("Baz"), 42);
objectA->SetValueOf<vgBool>("Foo", false);
objectA->SetValueOf<vgFloat>("Bar", 2.0);
objectA->SetValueOf<vgS32>("Baz", 22);
CHECK_EQ(objectA->GetValueOf<vgBool>("Foo"), false);
CHECK_EQ(objectA->GetValueOf<vgFloat>("Bar"), 2.0);
CHECK_EQ(objectA->GetValueOf<vgS32>("Baz"), 22);
Class Reflection, in this example it shows a sample Object with Foo and Bar member variables.
Note: When you want to use class reflection, it's important to add the +/- Reflection markers and the VG_CLASS_REFLECTION
attribute marker so that the code parser knows where to insert the class info.
Additionally, the access specifier used with fields is taken into account when generating the relevant class info, non-public member variables will be ignored.
#include <Common/ObjectModel/Object.h>
class VG_CLASS_REFLECTION TestObject : public Object
public: // Constructors and Destructor
TestObject() = default;
virtual ~TestObject() = default;
public: // Methods
// You must declare this virtual function in order to use reflection.
virtual Class* GetClass() const override;
public: // Reflected Members
vgBool Foo;
vgU32 Bar;
private: // Non-Reflected Members
vgBool Baz;
}; // class TestObject
// +Reflection(ClassName:TestObject)
// -Reflection(ClassName:TestObject)
Run the Reflect.py
usage: Vigil Class Generator [-h] [-file file [file ...]] [-v [cpp_version]] [-llvm_path [llvm_path]] [-save_tmp [save_tmp]]
Generates reflection code for classes
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-file file [file ...]
file to parse
-v [cpp_version], --cpp_version [cpp_version]
C++ version to use
-llvm_path [llvm_path]
Path to libclang
-save_tmp [save_tmp] Save temporary file after parsing
To add reflection to your class, you can run the following command:
py .\Reflect.py -file <file> -llvm_path <path to libclang>
And that's it! You should now be ready to use the reflection api and all it has to offer.
VigilSDK is compatible with both Windows and Linux. With cmake and conan, you can build the project with the following commands:
git clone https://github.com/ida64/VigilSDK.git
cd VigilSDK
And that should be it! This script builds both Release and Debug Lib/UnitTest.