Pipeline for automated calculation of bronchial parameters
This repo combines a number of tools into an automated process for the extraction and measurement of bronchial parameters on a low-dose CT scan.
It combines the 3D-Unet method bronchinet to obtain the initial airway lumen segmentation. This is followed by the Opfront method which uses optimal-surface graph-cut to separate the inner surface of the airway from the outer surface of the airway. From this, various bronchial parameters can be derived.
. ├── AirMorph -> Lobar lung segmentation and lobar airway branch labelling. ├── airflow_legacy -> Legacy resources for compiling pre/post processing tools. ├── airway_analysis -> Package processing opfront output and calculating bronchial parameters. ├── bronchinet -> 3D-Unet developed for airway lumen segmentations. ├── opfront -> Opfront tools for segmenting airway lumen and wall surfaces. ├── phantom_trainer -> Set of tools for automatically determining parameters for the opfront tool ├── run_scripts -> Bash scripts used to automate the docker image. ├─────── Dockerfile -> Dockerfile for the pipeline ├─────── airflow_libs.tar.gz -> Package containing compiled legacy runtime libraries for opfront tools. ├─────── README.md -> This file. ├─────── requirements.txt -> List of required packages for airflow docker. Install with pip install -r requirements.txt Submodules in italics.