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181 lines (121 loc) · 6.02 KB

File metadata and controls

181 lines (121 loc) · 6.02 KB

varnish 0.2.9

  • temporarily turn off matomo analytics

varnish 0.2.8

  • Workbench Beta phase "Edit on GitHub" links are now formatted correctly. (reported: @zkamvar, #65; fixed @zkamvar, #66)

varnish 0.2.7

  • Lessons in different phases of the workbench beta phase will now have the URLs redirect to a site that explains the purpose of the phase.

varnish 0.2.6

varnish 0.2.5

  • Workbench Beta messaging has been modified to be more visible and to link back to the original lesson if possible.
  • The icon for lessons in "alpha" has been updated so it has a yellow background with a grey glyph so that the icon shows up better.

varnish 0.2.4

  • Callout block titles have been improved: The underline height for titles have been fixed to not look wonky when titles have multiple lines (reported: @anenadic, #53; fixed @zkamvar, #55). Moreover, the text transformation will no longer affect code and kbd elements.
  • Heading element sizes have been recoded to use relative units. There was not enough specification in the original CSS to properly distinguish between H3 and H4 elements; moreover, on tablet and mobile devices, the H1 heading looked smallter than the H2 heading due to a copy/paste error. This has been fixed by using relative calcualtions (@zkamvar, #55)
  • Sidebar navigation now says "Episodes" instead of "Expand" when collapsed so that it is less confusing for folks. (suggested by @drmowinckels, carpentries/workbench#16 (#47); fixed by @zkamvar, #56)
  • The collapsed sidebar label no longer reverts to saying "collapse" on a new page.
  • The hamburger menu for mobile devices now has a border so it's more clear that it is a menu (suggested by @drmowinckels, carpentries/workbench#16 (#47); fixed by @zkamvar, #57)

varnish 0.2.3

varnish 0.2.2

  • Formatting of list elements in the solutions and instructor notes now follows the same formatting as the rest of the content (reported: #51 by @tobyhodges, fixed: #52 by @zkamvar)

varnish 0.2.1

  • The sidebar navigation in mobile and tablet views now includes all the information that was included in the navigation bar for the desktop mode. (reported: carpentries/workbench#16 (comment) by @Athanasiamo and #49, fixed: #50 by @zkamvar)

varnish 0.2.0

  • The sidebar state (expanded or collapsed) will now persist during navigation to another page in the same window/tab. Opening the site in a new window/tab will reset the sidebar state to expanded. (reported: #43 by @anenadic, fixed #46, @zkamvar). This fix uses the sessionStorage API.

varnish 0.1.16

  • CHAPTERS has been temporarily renamed to EPISODES to reduce cognative load between the webpage and the source folders

varnish 0.1.15

  • The search field has been disabled to avoid confusion. We have not yet enabled search as this requires further testing. Disabling the search field means that it is now more clear that search is not yet available. (#44 by @zkamvar)

varnish 0.1.14

  • indicators for lesson development stage (pre-alpha, alpha, beta) have been added as <abbr> elements with a link to the appropriate section in the CDH and title elements that describe the purpose of the stage. Visually hidden text follows the <abbr> element for users who can not perceive the lesson visually (#39 by @zkamvar, reviewed by @tobyhodges).
  • FIX: .lesson-title and .lesson-title-md are now inline-block elements

varnish 0.1.13

  • An alert for the workbench beta phase is implemented if the lesson has workbench-beta: true in the config.yaml.

varnish 0.1.12

  • dropdown navigation no longer is hidden by the sidebar on XXL screens; z-index of nav.bottom-nav set to 3. (reported: #35 by @brownsarahm, fixed: #36 by @zkamvar)

varnish 0.1.11

  • blockquotes are now more clearly delineated from the rest of the content (reported: #27 by @fiveop, fixed: #31 by @zkamvar)

varnish 0.1.10

  • lab and incubator logos are now available.

varnish 0.1.9

  • Fix missing pegboard version tag

varnish 0.1.8

  • custom workbench engines are now properly linked in the footer via the sandpaper_cfg pegboard_cfg, and varnish_cfg variables.
  • code of conduct link now points to the file so authors can update or modify their own code of conduct (NOTE: all Carpentries lessons MUST have a code of conduct that links to the Carpentries Code of Conduct as well as the reporting guidelines.

varnish 0.1.7

  • compile the changes from 0.1.6

varnish 0.1.6

  • Tables now scroll on overflow

varnish 0.1.5

  • The index page now has specific sections for schedule and setup that link to the #schedule and #setup anchors. This partially addresses carpentries/sandpaper#260

varnish 0.1.4

varnish 0.1.3

  • Add small version of the carpentries logo

varnish 0.1.2

  • Add matmo analytics in the footer (@fmichonneau, #17)

varnish 0.1.1

  • Add LICENSE file clarifying MIT licensing

varnish 0.1.0

  • Breaking change; moving from the carpentries/styles theme to the new theme developed in 2021. Variables and layouts have changed significantly, so this package gains a significant update.


  • instructor block placeholder added


  • update css to use em and not px
  • align logo with navbar
  • add testing phase notification to navbar


  • First tracked version of varnish
  • updated links to engines in the footer