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ClusterProfiler report generator (Snakemake pipeline)

This program serves as batch processing Snakemake pipeline for pathway enrichment of bulk RNASeq data. It makes use of clusterProfiler and flexdashboard markdown with widgets to generate reports on pathway analysis for gene expression data. Pathways analysis is split into several standalone html reports. Two types of pathway analysis are offered under clusterProfiler package: Over-representation analysis (ORA) and Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA).


You will need a metadata.tsv file with two columns contrast and file containing the name of the contrast from RNASeq data to analyse the file corresponding file from gene differential expression analysis containing data for this particular contrast. The required structure of the file is described in the next part.

Next the config.yaml file needs to be edited to reflect your desired output and analysis parameters. Please see the parameter section of the readme file for detailed description.

Run the snakemake pipeline by navigating to the folder with Snakefile and executing it by command snakemake. One can optionally perform a test dry-run to see if pipeline was correcly configured by running snakemake -n

Please see the documentation to Snakemake pipeline language for detailed introduction how to run the program.


A text based file containing the output of a gene differential expression analysis must contain the following columns:

  • gene identifier, must be one of supported by org.db
  • log2 fold-change expression values
  • corresponding p-values or adjusted p-values


Program creates an output directory with three subdirectories.

  • reports contains the contrast subdirectories with html report from individual specified pathway collections
  • csv contains the contrast subdirectories with a csv file for each combination of pathway collection, type of analysis (ORA or GSEA) and gene list (all differentially expressed gene, only upregulated or only downregulated genes)
  • analysis_params contains copies of metadata.tsv and config.yaml files

Finally the program creates a pathway_archive.tar.gz file containg the output directory

Configuration and Paramters


Species of the samples the RNASeq data comes from. Currently supported species are 'human', 'mouse' and partially 'rat'. Some of the pathway collections only accept human gene IDs, so they need to by translated using homology databases.


TRUE/FALSE, If tar.gz archive should be created at the end.


TRUE/FALSE, should the html output be self contained or have a separate lib directory separate lib directory saves space, but individual html files can't be shared with other people.


Pathway collections to be used in pathway analysis, currently supported are subsets of:

  • Disease
  • GeneOntology
  • MSigDB
  • MSigDB_cancer
  • MeSH_g2p
  • MeSH_gendoo
  • Pathways
  • ConsensusPathDB

For detailed subcategories included in the default pathway analysis see either snakemake/data/csv files or snakemake/utilities/export_structures.R

Input description


Name of the gene ID column in the differential expression file


Type of ID column in the deg file. Can be one of supported by org.db, usually ENTREZID, ENSEMBL or SYMBOL


Name of the log2-fold-change column in the differential expression file


Name of the p-value column in the differential expression file. Used for volcano plots.


Name of the adjusted p-value column in the differential expression file

Analysis parameters


Gene log2 Fold-Change differential expression threshold for ORA. Program will only consider genes above the specified threshold. Usually set to 0.58, which roughly corresponds to 1.5 times increase in expression


Threshold for adjusted p-value of differentially expressed genes for ORA. Only genes with value lower than threshold will be considered for analysis. Usually set to 0.05.


Minimal number of genes in pathway for ORA. Pathways with lower amount of genes will be omitted from analysis. Usually set to 5-10.


Maximum number of genes in pathway for ORA. Pathways with higher amount of genes will be omitted from analysis. Usually set to around 500.


Minimal p-value threshold for over-represented pathways analyzed by ORA.


Cutoff value to simplify redundant terms from Gene Ontology analysis based on semantic similarity. See clusterProfiler vignette for more detailed explanation.


Minimal number of genes in pathway for GSEA. Pathways with lower amount of genes will be omitted from analysis. Usually set to 5-10.


Maximum number of genes in pathway for GSEA. Pathways with higher amount of genes will be omitted from analysis. Usually set to around 500.


Minimal p-value threshold for over-represented pathways analyzed by GSEA.


In case of multiple contrasts, clusterProfiler will analyse them seperately as well as their unions, differences and intersections. Min_set_size deteremines the minimum amount of genes such subset must have in order to appear in the summary Upset plot.

Graphing parameters

clusterProfiler has several visualisations availabe for enrichment results, please see the vignette for detailed information.

dotplot: categories

Maximum number of pathways/rows shown in the dotplot.

networkplot: categories

Maximum number of pathway nodes shown in the network plot. All genes in the pathway will be shown.

heatplot: categories

Maximum number of pathways/rows shown in the heatmap plot.

enrichmap: categories

Maximum number of pathway nodes shown in the plot depicting pathway enrichment and similarities through common genes.

table: hide_columns

Hide columns in the summary table.


There are several utilities included with the program in the snakemake/utilities folder to aid either pre- or post-processing.

  • export_structures.R - the program makes use of csv files containing the descriptions of pathway collections to process. All supported csv files have been included, but if you want to create your own subsets of pathway collections you can create a structured R list and export it into a set of csv files.
  • uniprot_keywords_db.R - I was unable to locate a ready-to-use database containing uniprot keywords, this scripts builds the simple database using organism constrained gene list with entrez IDs and keyword IDs matched with controlled vocabulary of uniprot keywords. This mapping does not preserve hierarchical structure, but it's sufficient for basic analysis. Please see the files for links how to obtain the source data.
  • pathways2heatmaps.R - After the pathway analysis, you can plot expression heatmaps for selected pathways if you provide an expression file with 'symbol' column, metadata file with 'sample' and 'group' column, folder with pathway csv files and text file with pathway IDs separated by a newline. There are some additional parameters that can be specified, please see the pathways2heatmaps.R --help for description.


This program is still under development with new features and pathway collections being added. Clustercompare feature comparing pathway analysis between different contrasts coming soon! Displaying the reports on screens with small resolutions (eg. laptops) is suboptimal.



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