fafe684: JSON return. (@icemarkom)
a5e629f: Removed needless debug print. (@icemarkom)
b930076: Added Dockerfile. (@icemarkom)
8220ff4: Streamlined Dockerfile. (@icemarkom)
e8fbd22: Removed WORKDIR, which was not needed. (@icemarkom)
d0953b5: Request and time loggine and reporting. (@icemarkom)
1d3bcb9: Added docker-compose. (@icemarkom)
c2c0c30: Added commandline parameter to container. (@icemarkom)
a221566: Report temperature rounded down to a degree. (@icemarkom)
394609d: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/icemarkom/pitemp into master (@icemarkom)
3d2393d: Added initial log message. (@icemarkom)
9466ed0: Addedd proper interpunction to the log messages. (@icemarkom)
0bd51c3: Doh. I don't actually need to download from git at all. (@icemarkom)
165c6bd: Bumped Go version & optimized builder image a bit. (@icemarkom)
d6e451b: Added thermal volume to docker_compose.yaml. (@icemarkom)
b097aa4: Updated to support amrhf (@icemarkom)
6fb53bb: Updated path to thermal file to be generic. (@icemarkom)
4315771: Added support for Fahrenheit. (@icemarkom)
2e2fa8a: Remove hardcoded Go version. (@icemarkom)
91c57c1: Moved to Go specific images. (@icemarkom)
5578360: Merge branch 'main' into master (@icemarkom)
e218fe9: Merge pull request #1 from icemarkom/master (@icemarkom)
e1b285b: Adding go.mod. (@icemarkom)
35df4bd: Docker file for Go build image and Debian runtime. (@icemarkom)
78839b7: Initial support for MQTT. (@icemarkom)
2f8fe91: Minor improvement on reconnection logic. (@icemarkom)
92a1912: Added TopicConfig and TopicState to MQTTConfig. (@icemarkom)
e4d614a: Modernized Dockerfile. (@icemarkom)
2911a63: Updated docker-compose.yaml for new sytaxt. (@icemarkom)
8982d14: Added handling for the default MQTT port and SSL. (@icemarkom)
65ef78b: Merge branch 'main' into mqtt (@icemarkom)
a942acc: Merge pull request #2 from icemarkom/mqtt (@icemarkom)
72e163a: Use "latest" for Docker image tag. (@icemarkom)
803e497: Added "ca-certificates" to Dockerfile final image. (@icemarkom)
f540ee0: Go version and modules update. (@icemarkom)
41f7de4: Updated Dockerfile for cross-build. (@icemarkom)
8f32a29: Added docker make script. (@icemarkom)
c803c22: Improved Dockerfile for cross-platform build. (@icemarkom)
cdbd1b0: Made MQTT Interval to be time.Duration. (@icemarkom)
54e973e: Added version flag. (@icemarkom)
193941d: Add support for binary releases. (@icemarkom)