Authenticate with CAS (Central Authentication Service) on Topcat.
The first you need to do is install the Icat authentication plugin on your Icat:
Once this is complete you'll need to build a copy of this plugin:
git clone
cd topcat_cas_plugin
mvn clean install
next you'll need to install it on your Java EE container (e.g. Payara/Glassfish):
asadmin deply topcat_cas_plugin-0.1.0.war
you'll need to add the following authenticationType tp Topcat's topcat.json:
"authenticationTypes": [
"type": "cas",
"external": true,
"casUrl": ""
and then enable it it in the plugins section:
"plugins": [
finally you need to redeploy Topcat:
#in Topcat's install directory
./setup install