colorscript - run various shell color scripts
colorscript [-OPTION] [SCRIPT NAME]
colorscript is the program that selects and runs the scripts that were installed with shell-color-scripts. colorscript can be used to run a specific shell color script, or you can use colorscript to run a random shell color script. Many users will want to add the appropriate colorscript command to their bash/fish/zsh configs so that they always get a shell color script when they launch a terminal or enter the shell.
Print this help.
List all installed color scripts.
Run a random color script.
Run specified color script by SCRIPT NAME or INDEX.
Run all color scripts and list their SCRIPT NAMEs
The colorscript binary.
The shell color scripts directory.
Runs a random shell colorscript. Add this command to your bash/fish/zsh config file, and now when you open a terminal or start a new shell, you will get a random shell color script displayed.
Get a complete listing of available shell color scripts. You get the INDEX (number) and the NAME.
Runs a specific shell color script.
Derek Taylor (