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Welcome to TrybeWallet project!

This is a Trybe project developed as part of the Frontend Module to exercise React and Redux.



This project is a Finance App that allows the user to control their expenses through:

  • Adding a new expense
  • Edit existing expenses
  • Delete unwanted expenses
  • View the total amount of expenses

Technologies Used

This project used the following technologies and features:

Installing, running and testing the app

Install dependencies

cd trybewallet
npm install

Run the application

cd trybewallet
npm start

Run tests

npm test


Git, GitHub and Commit History

  • There are only two branches since this is a solo project. One is the main, with production ready features. And the other one is project_refactor, where I improve the code and add new features.
  • This project used the Conventional Commits specification with some types from Angular convention.
  • The deploy was made using GitHub Pages, being the host recommended by Trybe in other projects, it's the one I had more familiarity with.

Further Improvements

  • Increase test coverage
  • Make it Mobile First
  • Add Design Pattern for API requests
  • Break Wallet Page form, table and table rows into components
  • Optmize Styled Components and dark/light mode structure


The project was developed following the Clean Code standards specified by Airbnb's ESLint and StyleLint rules, since it's one of the most implemented lint packages.

Some minor configuration changes were made to better fit Trybe's Lint, because the project was initially developed following said rules.


To see and interact with the project preview click here.

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