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2024-04-19 |
speech-to-text |
troubleshoot |
{: #acousticUse}
Acoustic model customization is available only for previous-generation models. It is not available for next-generation and large speech models. {: note}
Once you create and train your custom acoustic model, you can use it in speech recognition requests by using the acoustic_customization_id
query parameter. By default, no custom acoustic model is used with a request. You can create multiple custom acoustic models for the same or different domains. But you can specify only one custom acoustic model at a time for a speech recognition request. You must issue the request with credentials for the instance of the service that owns the custom model.
{: shortdesc}
A custom model can be used only with the base model for which it is created. If your custom model is based on a model other than the default, you must also specify that base model with the model
query parameter. For more information, see Using the default model.
You can also specify a custom language model to be used with the request, which can increase transcription accuracy. For more information, see Using custom language and custom acoustic models for speech recognition.
{: #acousticUse-examples}
The following examples show the use of a custom acoustic model with each speech recognition interface:
For the WebSocket interface, use the
method. The specified custom model is used for all requests that are sent over the connection.var access_token = {access_token}; var wsURI = '{ws_url}/v1/recognize' + '?access_token=' + access_token + '&model=en-US_NarrowbandModel' + '&acoustic_customization_id={customization_id}'; var websocket = new WebSocket(wsURI);
{: codeblock}
For the synchronous HTTP interface, use the
POST /v1/recognize
method. The specified custom model is used for that request.[IBM Cloud]{: tag-ibm-cloud}
curl -X POST -u "apikey:{apikey}" \ --header "Content-Type: audio/flac" \ --data-binary @audio-file1.flac \ "{url}/v1/recognize?acoustic_customization_id={customization_id}"
{: pre}
[IBM Cloud Pak for Data]{: tag-cp4d}
curl -X POST \ --header "Authorization: Bearer {token}" \ --header "Content-Type: audio/flac" \ --data-binary @audio-file1.flac \ "{url}/v1/recognize?acoustic_customization_id={customization_id}"
{: pre}
For the asynchronous HTTP interface, use the
POST /v1/recognitions
method. The specified custom model is used for that request.[IBM Cloud]{: tag-ibm-cloud}
curl -X POST -u "apikey:{apikey}" \ --header "Content-Type: audio/flac" \ --data-binary @audio-file.flac \ "{url}/v1/recognitions?acoustic_customization_id={customization_id}"
{: pre}
[IBM Cloud Pak for Data]{: tag-cp4d}
curl -X POST \ --header "Authorization: Bearer {token}" \ --header "Content-Type: audio/flac" \ --data-binary @audio-file.flac \ "{url}/v1/recognitions?acoustic_customization_id={customization_id}"
{: pre}
You can omit the language model from the request if the custom model is based on the default model, en-US_BroadbandModel
. Otherwise, you must use the model
parameter to specify the base model, as shown for the WebSocket example. A custom model can be used only with the base model for which it is created.
{: #acousticTroubleshoot} {: troubleshoot} {: support}
If you apply a custom acoustic model to speech recognition but find that the quality of speech recognition does not improve, check for the following possible problems:
- Make sure that you are correctly passing the customization ID to the recognition request as shown in the previous examples.
- Make sure that the status of the custom model is
, meaning that it is fully trained and ready to use. For more information, see Listing custom acoustic models.