copyright | lastupdated | subcollection | keywords | ||
2023-12-18 |
pattern-vpc-vsi-multizone-resiliency |
{: #storage-architecture}
The following are storage architecture decisions for the web app multi-zone resiliency pattern.
Architecture decision | Requirement | Alternative | Decision | Rationale |
Main storage for web and app tiers | Provide highly available storage that meets the application performance requirements. | - Block storage for VPC \n - File storage for VPC \n - Cloud Object Storage | Cloud Object Storage | Cloud Object Storage is recommended to store large volumes of static content or unstructured data. |
Main storage for database tier | Provide highly available storage that meets the database performance requirements. | - Block storage for VPC \n - Managed DB (DBaaS) | Block Storage for VPC | Block storage provides the best performance for databases. |
Logs storage: Audit and operational logs | Provide highly available storage for logs | - Block Storage for VPC \n - Cloud Object Storage | Cloud Object Storage | Cloud Object Storage provides high available storage and is integrated with operational and audit logging cloud services. |
Backup storage | Provide highly available storage for backups | - Block Storage for VPC \n - Cloud Object Storage | Cloud Object Storage | Cloud Object Storage provides high available storage for data backups. |
{: caption="Architecture decisions for storage" caption-side="bottom"} |