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263 lines (208 loc) · 14.7 KB
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2020, 2024
instance settings, service settings, key creation/import, key create policy, key creation/import, key policy


Managing the key create and import access policy

{: #manage-keyCreateImportAccess}

After you set up your {{}} {{}} instance, you can manage the key create and import access policy by using the {{}} key management service API. {: shortdesc}

This policy applies only to key management service keys and related operations. {: important}

Understanding the key create and import access settings

{: #understand-keyCreateImportAccess-instance-policy}

The Key create and import access policy for {{}} instances manage how keys are created and imported into your {{}} instance.

When you enable this policy, {{}} only permits the creation or importation of keys in your {{}} instance that follow the key creation and importation settings that are listed on the key create and import access policy.

Setting and retrieving the key create and import access policy is supported through the API only. To find out more about accessing the {{}} key management service API, check out Setting up the API.

Before you enable the key create and import access policy for your {{}} instance, keep in mind the following considerations:

  • KeyCreateImportAccess policies do not affect keys that existed before policy creation.

    KeyCreateImportAccess policies affect only {{}} requests that are sent after the policy is set. You still have access to all keys that existed in your {{}} instance before the policy is created.

  • KeyCreateImportAccess policies can affect your keys across various key actions.

    The enforce_token attribute affects imported keys during creation, rotation, and restoration. The create_root_key, import_root_key, create_standard_key, and import_standard_key attributes affect keys only at creation time. All other {{}} actions, such as wrap and unwrap, are not affected and can be invoked on the key as usual.

Enabling or updating the key create and import access policy for your service instance with the UI

{: #enable-keyCreateImportAccess-policy-console} {: ui}

As a security administrator, if you prefer to manage the key create and import access policy settings by using a graphical interface, you can use the UI.

After you create a {{}} instance, complete the following steps to enable the key create and import access policy:

  1. Log in to the UI{: external}.

  2. Go to Menu > Resource list to view a list of your resources.

  3. From your {{}} resource list, select your provisioned instance of {{}}.

  4. In the UI of the selected service instance, select the Instance policies tab in the side menu.

  5. In the Create and import key access section, check or clear the corresponding boxes to update the keyCreateImportAccess settings, and then click Save policy.

    • Allow creation of root keys: Check the box to allow root keys to be created in your {{}} instance.
    • Allow creation of standard keys: Check the box to allow standard keys to be created in your {{}} instance.
    • Allow import of root keys: Check the box to allow root keys to be imported into your {{}} instance.
    • Allow import of standard keys: Check the box to allow standard keys to be imported into your {{}} instance.
    • Enable secure import: Check the box to prevent authorized users from importing key material into your {{}} instance without using an import token.

    After you check the box for Enable secure import, it is required that secure import is enabled for all key import actions. Secure import is not available in the UI, and you need to perform further actions through the CLI or API. {: note}

Any disabled key actions are not available in the Add key panel. After you check the box for Secure import, it is required that secure import is enabled for all key import actions. Key import is not available in the UI, and you need to perform further actions through the CLI or API. {: note}

Enabling and updating the key create and import access policy for your service instance with the API

{: #enable-keyCreateImportAccess-policy-api} {: api}

As a security administrator, you can enable or update the key create and import access policy for a {{}} instance by making a PUT call to the following endpoint.


{: codeblock}

If you are updating the key create and import access policy of your {{}} instance, keep in mind that if an attribute is omitted from the request, the field is set to the default value, and the existing value for the omitted field is overwritten by the default value. {: important}

  1. Retrieve your authentication credentials to work with the API.

    To enable keyCreateImportAccess policies, you need Manager access to your {{}} instance. To learn how IAM roles map to {{}} actions, check out Service access roles. {: note}

  2. Enable or update the key create and import access policy for your {{}} instance by running the following cURL command.

    $ curl -X PUT \
        "https://<instance_ID>.api.<region>" \
        -H "accept: application/" \
        -H "authorization: Bearer <IAM_token>" \
        -H "bluemix-instance: <instance_ID>" \
        -H "content-type: application/" \
        -d '{
                "metadata": {
                    "collectionType": "application/",
                    "collectionTotal": 1
                "resources": [
                        "policy_type": "keyCreateImportAccess",
                        "policy_data": {
                            "enabled": true,
                            "attributes": {
                                "create_root_key": <true/false>,
                                "create_standard_key": <true/false>,
                                "import_root_key": <true/false>,
                                "import_standard_key": <true/false>,
                                "enforce_token": <true/false>

    {: codeblock}

    Replace the variables in the example request according to the following table.

    Variable Description
    region Required. The region abbreviation, such as us-south or eu-de, that represents the geographic area where your {{}} instance resides. For more information, see Regional service endpoints.
    IAM_token Required. Your {{}} access token. Include the full contents of the IAM token, including the Bearer value, in the cURL request. For more information, see Retrieving an access token.
    instance_ID Required. The unique identifier that is assigned to your {{}} service instance. For more information, see Retrieving an instance ID.
    create_root_key Required. Set to true to allow root keys to be created in your {{}} instance. Set to false to prevent root keys from being created in your instance. If this attribute is omitted, true is set as the default value.
    create_standard_key Required. Set to true to allow standard keys to be created in your {{}} instance. Set to false to prevent standard keys from being created in your instance. If this attribute is omitted, true is set as the default value.
    import_root_key Required. Set to true to allow root keys to be imported into your {{}} instance. Set to false to prevent root keys from being imported into your instance. If this attribute is omitted, true is set as the default value.
    import_standard_key Required. Set to true to allow standard keys to be imported into your {{}} instance. Set to false to prevent standard keys from being imported into your instance. If this attribute is omitted, true is set as the default value.
    enforce_token Required. Set to true to prevent authorized users from importing key material into your {{}} instance without using an import token. Set to false to allow authorized users to import key material into your instance without using an import token. If enforce_token is enabled, it is required that secure import is enabled for all key import actions. Key import is not available through UI, and you need to perform further actions through the CLI or API. If this attribute is omitted, false is set as the default value.
    {: caption="Describes the variables needed to enable the key create and import access policy" caption-side="bottom"}

    A successful request returns an HTTP 204 No Content response, which indicates that your {{}} instance now has enabled. Your {{}} instance can now only allow the creation or importation of keys from the methods that are specified in your request.

  3. Optional: Verify that the key create and import access policy is created or updated by retrieving the policy details for your {{}} instance.

    $ curl -X GET \
        "https://<instance_ID>.api.<region>" \
        -H "accept: application/" \
        -H "authorization: Bearer <IAM_token>" \
        -H "bluemix-instance: <instance_ID>"

    {: codeblock}

Disabling the key create and import access policy for your service instance with the key management service API

{: #disable-key-create-import-policy-api} {: api}

As a manager of a {{}} instance, to disable the key create and import access policy with the key management service API, make a PUT call to the following endpoint.


{: codeblock}

Do not provide any attributes when you make a request to disable your key create and import access policy. {: note}

  1. Retrieve your authentication credentials to work with the API.

    To disable keyCreateImportAccess policies, you need a Manager access to your {{}} instance. To learn how IAM roles map to {{}} actions, check out Service access roles. {: note}

  2. Disable the existing key create and import access policy for your {{}} instance by running the following cURL command.

    $ curl -X PUT \
        "https://<instance_ID>.api.<region>" \
        -H "accept: application/" \
        -H "authorization: Bearer <IAM_token>" \
        -H "bluemix-instance: <instance_ID>" \
        -H "content-type: application/" \
        -d '{
                "metadata": {
                    "collectionType": "application/",
                    "collectionTotal": 1
                "resources": [
                        "policy_type": "keyCreateImportAccess",
                        "policy_data": {
                            "enabled": false

    {: codeblock}

    Replace the variables in the example request according to the following table.

    Variable Description
    region Required. The region abbreviation, such as us-south, that represents the geographic area where your {{}} instance resides. For more information, see Regional service endpoints.
    IAM_token Required. Your {{}} access token. Include the full contents of the IAM token, including the Bearer value, in the cURL request. For more information, see Retrieving an access token.
    instance_ID Required. The unique identifier that is assigned to your {{}} instance. For more information, see Retrieving an instance ID.
    {: caption="Describes the variables needed to disable the key create and import access policy" caption-side="bottom"}

    A successful request returns an HTTP 204 No Content response, which indicates that the key create and import access policy is updated for your service instance.

  3. Optional: Verify that the key create and import access policy is disabled by retrieving the policy details for your {{}} instance.

    $ curl -X GET \
        "https://<instance_ID>.api.<region>" \
        -H "accept: application/" \
        -H "authorization: Bearer <IAM_token>" \
        -H "bluemix-instance: <instance_ID>"

    {: codeblock}