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708 lines (519 loc) · 18.4 KB

File metadata and controls

708 lines (519 loc) · 18.4 KB
copyright lastupdated keywords subcollection
2021, 2024
DevSecOps, pipelinectl



{: #devsecops-pipelinectl}

pipelinectl is a lightweight key-value store that you can use in DevSecOps pipelines to share data between tasks and the compliance automation scripts. {: shortdesc}

For more information about where this tool is used, see Adding test and build steps to pipelines.


{: #pipelinectl-usage}

pipelinectl provides a single binary. Its behavior depends on its name (as in busybox{: external}). When invoked as pipelinectl, the program must be provided as the first argument, for example pipelinectl get_data.

Available aliases and methods:


{: #set_env}

# <key>: The name of the environment variable e.g. pipeline-namespace, app-name
# <value>: Value of the key
set_env <key> # reads <value> from `stdin`
set_env <key> <value>

{: codeblock}

If the <value> argument is missing, set_env reads it from the standard input. Saves an arbitrary string that can be retrieved later on with get_env.


# set value provided as argument
set_env app-name "my-app-name"

# set value provided via stdin
echo "my-app-name" | set_env app-name
set_env my-api-key < /config/my-api-key

{: codeblock}


{: #get_env}

# <key>: The name of the environment variable e.g. pipeline-namespace, app-name
get_env <key> [default]

{: codeblock}

Print the stored configuration value (in this order):

  • If set_env was used previously with key, it retrieves that value
  • It tries to read the file $CONFIG_DIR/$key (CONFIG_DIR defaults to /config)
  • It prints the specified default value (if there's any)
  • It prints an error message, and returns a nonzero exit code


get_env app-name "default-app-name"

{: codeblock}


{: #list_env}


{: codeblock}

Displays the saved keys and environment variables from the set_env process.



{: codeblock}


{: #save_file}

# <key>:  File name
# <value>: Path, where the file will be stored
save_file <key> <value>

{: codeblock}

Saves an arbitrary file that can be retrieved later on with load_file.

Directories are not supported. {: note}


save_file some_config ./config.yaml

{: codeblock}


{: #load_file}

# <key>:  File name
load_file <key>

{: codeblock}

Prints the saved file to stdout.


load_file some_config > some_config.yaml

{: codeblock}


{: #save_repo}

# <key>:  Key of the repository e.g. repository name
# <prop>: Type of the property, e.g. url, branch, commit etc.
# <value>: Value of the property
save_repo <key> [<prop>=<value> ...]

{: codeblock}

Registers a new repository with the pipeline or updates an existing one.

Supported properties:

  • url: The URL that can be used to clone the repository.
  • path: Location of the cloned repository relative to the workspace root.

Other property names can be used as well, but to avoid naming collisions, they must be prefixed with a service-specific identifier, for example instead of using foo, use


save_repo app_ui "url=${REPO_URL}" "path=app_ui_repo"
save_repo app_ui "branch=${REPO_BRANCH}"
save_repo app_ui "commit=${REPO_SHA}"

# any additional property can be added
save_repo app_ui "commit=${REPO_SHA}"

{: codeblock}

Using stdin as a value source

{: #stdin-value-source}

Values can be provided from stdin, if the following conditions are true:

  • The content is streamed for the command
  • One property does not have a value and =


command_with_large_output | save_repo app_ui "issues"

# this also works with multiple properties,
# but stdin can provide value for only a single one
command_with_large_output | save_repo app_ui "issues" "result=success" "commit=${REPO_SHA}"

{: codeblock}

If multiple values are missing with = the command exits with an error, because it cannot determine which property belongs to the value on stdin.

Properties without a value but still appending = have an empty string as a value.

save_repo app_ui "bar="
load_repo app_ui bar # returns an empty string

{: codeblock}


{: #list_repos}


{: codeblock}

Lists the <key> of the stored repos to stdout.


# returns the list of stored repository keys to stdout for example:
#  app_ui
#  app_repo

{: codeblock}


{: #load_repo}

# <key>: Key of the repository, e.g. repository name
# <prop>: Name of the property, e.g. commit, branch, url
load_repo <key> [<prop>]

{: codeblock}

Prints the value of the specified property of the repository. Lists all available properties for the repository when only the repository is provided. Returns an error indicating no matching properties were found if the provided repository or property is invalid.


  • Prints the value of the specified property of the repository, if and values are provided.
  • Lists all available properties for the repository when only the is provided.
  • Returns an error indicating no matching properties were found if the provided is invalid.

Example 1: Fetching a specific property:

REPO_SHA=$(load_repo app_ui commit)

{: codeblock}

Example 2: Listing all properties for a given repository:

REPO_SHA=$(load_repo app_ui)

{: codeblock}

Used with list_repos for retrieving property values

# iterate over all repos and print their URLs
while read -r key; do
  url=$(load_repo $key url)
  echo "Repository saved as '$key' is at: '$url'"
done < <(list_repos)

{: codeblock}

Outputs the following lines to the console:

When retrieving a specific property:

 Repository saved as 'my-frontend' is at: ''
 Repository saved as 'my-backend' is at: ''

{: screen}

When listing all properties for a given repository:

 Properties available for '$key'.

{: screen}


{: #save_result}

# <stage>: Stage name e.g. test, detect-secrets, static-scan
# <path>: Path where will be stored the file, string
save_result  <stage> <path>

{: codeblock}

Saves an arbitrary test, scan result file for a stage. Later this file can be retrieved with load_result. By default, data is saved with the workspace-relative path as key.

Using the PIPELINECTL_USE_PATH_AS_KEY feature flag, data is saved with the provided path as the key.


# save the contents of the file ./results/mocha_results.json
# as an entry named "mocha_results.json" for the "test" stage
save_result test ./results/mocha_results.json

# save the contents of the file ../data/coverage.xml
# as an entry named "coverage.xml" for the "test" stage
save_result test ../data/coverage.xml

# Using the `PIPELINECTL_USE_PATH_AS_KEY` environment variable
# save the contents of the file ../data/coverage.xml
# as an entry named "../data/coverage.xml" for the "test" stage
PIPELINECTL_USE_PATH_AS_KEY=1 save_result test ../data/coverage.xml

{: codeblock}


{: #list_results}

# <stage>: Stage name
list_results <stage>

{: codeblock}

Lists the saved file names for a stage.


list_results test
# mocha_results.json
# coverage.xml

{: codeblock}


{: #load_result}

# <stage>: Stage name e.g. test, detect-secrets, static-scan
# <file>: File name e.g. mocha_results.json
load_result <stage> <file>

{: codeblock}

Prints the saved file keys to stdout. By default, a key is the workspace-relative path of the provided file path in save_result. Using the PIPELINECTL_USE_PATH_AS_KEY feature flag, a key is the path of the provided file path in save_result. To get the exact list of keys, use list_results.


load_result test mocha_results.json

# Using the `PIPELINECTL_USE_PATH_AS_KEY` environment variable
PIPELINECTL_USE_PATH_AS_KEY=1 load_result test ../data/coverage.xml

{: codeblock}

Used together with list_results

# iterate over all results stored for "test"
# and write them to the filename they were registered with
while read -r filename; do
  load_result test "$filename" > "./$filename"
done < <(list_results test)

{: codeblock}


{: #save_artifact}

# <key>: Key of the artifact e.g. app-image, baseimage etc.
# <prop>: Type of property e.g. name, type, tags, signature
# <value>: Value of the property
save_artifact <key> [<prop>=<value> ...]

{: codeblock}

Registers a new build artifact with the pipeline or updates an existing one.

Container images

{: #pipelinectl-container-images}

Some suggested properties that you can use:

  • type: Can be any artifact type including image.
  • name: A fully qualified name for the artifact. For example, for an image, something that can be used by docker pull.
  • signature: A valid signature.
  • digest: A sha256 digest.
  • source: For example, http://<some-git-url>/blob/<commithash>/<path-to-file>

Any properties can be set on top of these properties.

For an image, the name property must also contain the tag for the image. {: tip}


save_artifact ui_service ""
save_artifact ui_service "type=image"

# any additional property can be added
save_artifact ui_service "tags=latest,2.4.3,feat-something"

# later, when the image was signed, and we have signature data
save_artifact ui_service "signature=${SIGNATURE}"

{: codeblock}

Using stdin as a value source

{: #stdin-value-source-save-artifact}

Values can be provided from stdin, if the following are true:

  • The content is streamed for the command
  • One property does not have a value and =


command_with_large_output | save_artifact ui_service "issues"

# this also works with multiple properties,
# but stdin can provide value for only a single one
command_with_large_output | save_artifact ui_service "issues" "result=success" "signature=${SIGNATURE}"

{: codeblock}

If multiple values are missing with = the command exits with an error, because it cannot determine which property belongs to the value on stdin.

Properties without a value but still appending = have an empty string as a value.

save_artifact ui_service "bar="
load_artifact ui_service bar # returns an empty string

{: codeblock}


{: #list_artifacts}


{: codeblock}

Lists the <key> of the stored artifacts to stdout.


# returns the list of stored artifact keys to stdout for example:
# ui_service
# app_service

{: codeblock}


{: #load_artifact}

# <key>: Name of the artifact e.g. app-image, baseimage etc.
# <prop>: Type of property e.g. name, type, tags, signature
load_artifact <key> [<prop>]

{: codeblock}


  • Prints the value of the specified property of the repository, if and values are provided.
  • Lists all available properties for the repository when only the is provided.

Example 1: Fetching a specific property:

SIGNATURE=$(load_artifact ui_service signature)

{: codeblock}

Example2: Listing all properties for a given artifact:

load_artifact ui_service

{: codeblock}

Used with list_repos for retrieving property values

# iterate over all artifacts and print their image names
while read -r key; do
  image=$(load_artifact $key name)
  echo "Artifact saved as '$key' is named: '$image'"
done < <(list_artifacts)

{: codeblock}

Outputs the following lines to the console:

When retrieving a specific property:

 Artifact saved as 'ui_service' is named: ''
 Artifact saved as 'backend_service' is named: ''

{: screen}

When listing all properties for a given artifact:

 Properties available for 'ui_service': name, type, tags, signature

{: screen}


{: #serialize}

Serialize pipelinectl data into a transferable JSON file to be used as payload for pipeline webhook triggers. It can serialize repositories set by save_repo, artifacts set by save_artifact, and environment variables set by set_env.

(Optional) flags:

--all-repos         # all the repository information set by `pipelinectl`
--all-artifacts     # all the artifacts information set by `pipelinectl`

{: codeblock}


The following code saves all the repositories, all the artifacts and <env_variable1>, <env_variable2> into the foo.json file:

pipelinectl serialize --all-repos --all-artifacts <env_variable1> <env_variable2> > foo.json

{: codeblock}

This command is not an alias. You need pipelinectl explicitly


{: #deserialize}

Deserialize the pipelinectl from JSON to files, so pipelinectl can work in the triggered pipeline. Use the JSON that is serialized by the pipelinectl serialize command as the argument.


pipelinectl deserialize ./foo.json

{: codeblock}

This command is not an alias, need pipelinectl explicitly

Low-level methods

{: #low-level-methods}

These methods are only exposed for the sake of completeness. Use the methods only on rare occasions.


{: #put_data}

# <key>: Name of the data
# <prop>: Type of property e.g. name, type, tags, signature
# <value>: Value of the property
put_data <key> <prop> <value>

{: codeblock}

Sets prop to value for the entry defined by key.


{: #get_data}

# <key>: Key of data
# <prop>: Type of property e.g. name, type, tags, signature
# <value>: Value of the property
get_data <key>
get_data <key> <prop>

{: codeblock}

Prints prop of the entry that is defined by key. If prop is not provided, it returns all of the props for the key. Returns a nonzero exit code when key has no prop.


{: #save_asset}

# <prop>: Type of property; for example, uri, id, blob
# <value>: Value of the property
save_asset <prop1> <value1> blob <json_string or path to a json file>
save_asset <prop1> <value1> <prop2> <value2> blob <json_string  or path to a json file>

Saves asset information to the pipelinectl storage to be accessible throughout the pipeline. Arbitrary numbers of properties are allowed. However, blob is a reserved property that is mandatory to be passed, and its corresponding value should be a filepath to a valid json file or a valid json string. The save_asset property creates immutable entries. It cannot be called twice for the same combination of <prop> <value> pairs.


{: #load_asset}

# <prop>: Type of property; for example, uri, id
# <value>: Value of the property
load_asset # retrieves all assets stored by save_asset
load_asset <prop1> <value1> # retrieves one asset that matches prop1 = value1 saved during save_asset
load_asset <prop1> <value1> <prop2> <value2> # retrieves one asset that matches prop1 = value1 AND prop2 = value2 saved during save_asset

Retrieves an asset that matches the provided <prop> <value> pairs. If called without a <prop> <value> combination, it retrieves all the assets that are saved using save_asset in the pipeline inside a json array. The blob property is a reserved property, so it cannot be used as a matching property for load_asset.


{: #save_evidence}

# <prop>: Type of property; for example, blob, sha
# <value>: Value of the property
save_evidence <prop1> <value1> blob <json_string  or path to a json file>
save_evidence <prop1> <value1> <prop2> <value2> blob <json_string  or path to a json file>

Saves evidence information to the pipelinectl storage to be accessible throughout the pipeline. Arbitrary numbers of properties are allowed. However, the blob property is a reserved property that is mandatory to be passed, and its corresponding value should be a filepath to a valid json file or a valid json string. The save_evidence property creates immutable entries. It cannot be called twice for the same combination of <prop> <value> pairs.


{: #load_evidence}

# <prop>: Type of property; for example, id, sha
# <value>: Value of the property
load_evidence # retrieves all evidences that are stored by save_evidence
load_evidence <prop1> <value1> # retrieves one evidence that matches prop1 = value1 saved during save_evidence
load_evidence <prop1> <value1> <prop2> <value2> # retrieves one evidence that matches prop1 = value1 AND prop2 = value2 saved during save_evidence

Retrieves an evidence that matches the provided <prop> <value> pairs. If called without a <prop> <value> combination, it retrieves all the evidences that are saved using save_evidence in the pipeline inside a json array. The blob property is a reserved property, so it cannot be used as a matching property for load_evidence.


{: #delete_evidences}

delete_evidences # deletes all the evidences stored inside pipelinectl so far using save_evidence

This command clears out all the evidences stored inside the pipelinectl, which were saved using save_evidence.

save_string (deprecated)

{: #save_string}

save_string is deprecated, use set_env instead. {: deprecated}

save_string <key> <value>

{: codeblock}

Saves an arbitrary string that can be retrieved later on with load_string.

load_string (deprecated)

{: #load_string}

load_string is deprecated, use get_env instead. {: deprecated}

load_string <key>

{: codeblock}

Prints the string that is stored in key.