This is a python-based project on Colourizing Black and White Images using Deep Learning. Click Here to view the screenshots of the project.
How to setup: In order to run the program, we will be needing a few libraries, modules and dependencies.
First, Create a folder called "venv" and install the following modules:
OpenCV - pip install opencv-python
Pillow - pip install pillow
NumPy - pip install numpy
TKinter - pip install tk
"venv" folder should look like this:
Now, inside the "models" folder, there should be three files:
[1.] colorization_deploy_v2.prototxt
[2.] pts_in_hull.npy
[3.] colorization_release_v2.caffemodel
"colorization_release_v2.caffemodel" file is not included because of the large size. Can be download from here.
P.S. I don't have these files on my drive, credits to the file hoster.
After having all the files, the "models" folder should look like this:
The root folder should look like this: