My dotfiles for Neovim, zsh, tmux, and alacritty, optimized for web development on macOS. Managed with Dotbot.
I use Alacritty as my terminal emulator.
ohmyzsh as my shell, which some custom plugins. plugin includes zsh-autosuggestions and zsh-syntax-highlighting
Neovim on 0.8.2
curl -LO
tar xzf nvim-macos.tar.gz
trash-cli, safeguard
. Version 5 sometimes runs into node issues, stick with version 4npm install --global trash-cli@v4.0.0
. requires node -
starship prompts, minimal customizable prompts
homebrew, package manager for macOS
brew install tmux lazygit jesseduffield/lazydocker/lazydocker exa zoxide fd ripgrep
tmux, terminal multiplexer
lazygit, simple terminal UI for git commands, requires git to be installed first
lazydocker, the lazyier way to manage docker, requires docker to be installed first
exa, replacement for
zoxide, smarter
fd, simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to
ripgrep, fast regex text searching in directories
System preferences > Accessibility > Display > Reduce Motion. Toggle on
System preferences > Accessibility > Display > Increase contrast. Toggle on
System preferences > Accessibility > Display > Reduce Transparency. Toggle on
System preferences > Accessibility > Pointer > Reduce mouse pointer to locate. Toggle on
System preferences > Accessibility > Pointer > Pointer size. Slider to largest
Dock > Size. Slider on 20%
Dock > Magnification. Slider on Small
Dock > Position on screen. Select Left
Dock > Minimize windows into application icon. Toggle off
Dock > Automatically hide and show the Dock. Toggle on
Dock > Animate opening applications. Toggle on
Dock > Show indicators for open applications. Toggle on
Dock > Show recent applications in Dock. Toggle off
Keyboard > Key Repeat. Fastest. Slider to largest
Keyboard > Delay until Repeat. Shortest. Slider to largest
Accessibility > Vision > Display > Pointer > Pointer Size. Largest. Slider to largest
Desktop & Screen Saver > Wallpaper
- vlc - Best media player