Most code is under client/www
, which implemented with ionicframework
, and other amazing libs and tools, include, Angular 1, requirejs, moment, lodash, grunt, etc
is used for adapt iOS and Android which based on cordova
- make sure cordova is installed by "npm install -g cordova"
- cd to mobile/bongard directory
- run "cordova platform add ios"
- add plugin for social sharing: "cordova plugin add"
- add pluing for admob: "cordova plugin add"
- add pluing for StatusBar management: "cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.statusbar"
- run "grunt build" to build all the required assets
- run "rm -rf www" to remove the "www" folder
- run "ln -sf ../../build www" to create a symbol link to the build assets
- run "cordova prepare" for preparing
- run "cordova emulate ios" to run in simulator
- run "cordova run ios" to run in connected devices.