Implementing Smith-Waterman algorithm in Python as a project for the course Algorithm for Bioinformatics, held by professor Enrico Blanzieri (A.Y 2022-2023).
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python [-h] [-g GAP_PENALTY] [-m MATCH] [-p MISMATCH] [-o OUTPUT_NAME] seq1 seq2
By default without an output name, the code will also return a file text named SW_output
- First sequence [required], which corresponds to the rows of the matrix
- Second sequence [required], which are the columns of the matrix
- -h, --help [optional] which displays the helper and exit
- -g, -- gap_penalty [optional] scoring value for the gaps, by default is -1
- -m, -- match [optional] scoring value for the matches, by default is 2
- -p, -- mismatch [optional] scoring value for the mismatches, by default is -1
- -o, --output_name [optional] Name of the output file that will be created (default: SW_output)
python3 ATCGGCGATA ATTATACGATA -g -2 -m 3 -p -1 -o alignment_output