- Register and Login
- Search for flights based on date, source and destination
- View the cheapest flights starting from date searched
- Book flights
- View booking history
- Edit booking information
- Cancel bookings
- custom MyLinkedList & MyQueue class
- both classes are inside com.ft.flight>src>main>java>com>ft>flight>entity
- Backend: Java Spring-boot
- Frontend: HTML, Javascript, CSS
- Database: phpMyAdmin MySQL (freemysqldatabase.com)
Pre-requisites (download and install if you haven't)
- Maven (make sure maven is inside window's PATH, here's a tutorial to do that)
- JDK 17 and above
- Java Extension Pack (if you're using VSC)
- download the repository
- extract and open folder inside IDE (vsc or intellij)
- open the project folder inside ur IDE (vsc/intellij)(netbeans cannot)
- open terminal inside ur IDE
- run
cd com.ft.flight
- run
mvn clean install
- (this command only need to execute once. after that when u wanna run the application u can just cd to com.ft.flight first, then run mvn spring-boot:run)
- finally, run the app
mvn spring-boot:run
(If you use Intellij and don't want to use terminal to run)
- for intellij users, you can just open the project folder
- go to Flight-Ticket-Booking-System>com.ft.flight>Application
- then just run Application.main()
ERROR FIX 1: if mvn not executable error, its because maven is not in your laptop PATH. Follow this tutorial to solve
ERROR FIX 2: if ur getting surefire error, it's because of your jdk version, go update your jdk
TIP: must cd com.ft.flight
first, and then mvn spring-boot:run
set DB_USERNAME=your_db_username
set DB_PASSWORD=your_db_password
If you use IntelliJ, the steps above won't work!
Instead, Edit Configuration and add this in the environment
- open ur browser and go to localhost:8080/login anddd DONE!! 🥳
- Flights are only available for February 2024, Alor Setar➡️KLIA & KLIA2➡️Penang
ERROR FIX: if you are getting error localhost:8080 port is taken, there are two ways to solve this
- Kill any running terminal OR
- if you killed the terminal but still facing the same problem, can change the server port
- open application.properties file under com.ft.flight>src>main>resources>application.properties
can change to whatever u like, eg 8081 or 8082 or 8088, etc- so when u go to check the website go according to your server port, eg localhost:8081/login
TIP: If you can't send message inside contact, turn off your antivirus program or change to another browser
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