Build release notes from user stories in Trello cards.
npm install grunt-ivantage-trello-release-notes --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named ivantage_trello_release_notes
to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig()
This task scrapes a trello board for user stories that are considered "done" in order to build release note snippets.
Type: String
Default Value: None ~ this is required... kinda
A comma separated list of sprint board URLs or IDs. This can be omitted when
using the ivantage_trello_release_boards
Type: String
Default Value: None ~ this is required
Type: String
Default Value: None ~ this is required
Type: String
Default Value: None ~ this is required
A string matching a label for Trello cards to include in the notes.
Type: String
Default Value: releasenotes/release-v<%= *version from your package.json* %>
The location to write the generated markdown snippet.
Type: String
Default Value: Live/Done
The list name for "done" cards. Only cards in this list will be included in the final release notes.
Type: String
Default Value: *None*
The domain of your DoneDone account - e.g. if your account is "" you would provide "awesomeco".
Type: String
Default Value: ### Version <%= *version from your package.json* %>
A header template for the generated markdown snippet.
Type: String
Default Value: - {{name}} ([go to card]({{url}}))
The markdown template to be applied to each trello card in our done list.
This task is essentially a glorified "concat" with some markdown-to-html conversion baked in.
Type: Object
Default Value: None ~ this is required
A standard grunt files hash.
Type: String
Default Value: ''
Some HTML to include before the concatenated snippets.
Type: String
Default Value: \n\n\n
Text to insert between each of the given files when concatenating. Note that files are concatenated before being converted to HTML.
Type: String
Default Value: ''
Some HTML to include after the concatenated snippets.
Type: Function
Default Value: ...
A function used to sort an array of markdown file paths before they are read in and concatenated into a single file. The default behavior is parse a semver version from the filename and sort files descending by that version number.
Running this task will allow the user to select which Trello boards from among their most recently created they would like to build release notes from.
Type: RegExp|Function
Default Value: /\[Sprint\]/i
Used to filter which boards are presented for selection.
When a RegExp is used only boards whose name test
positive will be considered.
When a function is used it will be used to filter an array of board meta data objects of the form:
id: '... board id ...',
name: '... board name ...'
Type: String
Default Value: None ~ this is required... kinda
A Trello api key. If you are using the ivantage_trello_release_notes
task and
have specified an api key there under a target of the same name this setting can
be read from there.
Type: String
Default Value: None ~ this is required... kinda
A Trello user token. If you are using the ivantage_trello_release_notes
and have specified a token there under a target of the same name this setting
can be read from there.
Type: String
Default Value: 5
Boards are sorted by creation date, this option configures the size of the list to present the use with.
Type: String
Default Value: 'ivantage_trello_release_notes.<%= %>.sprintBoards
Allows the user to omit the sprintBoards
setting in their
task. Upon completion the task will update this
grunt config path to reflect chosen boards.
Type: String
Default Value: 'ivantage
The Trello API requires that we fetch lists of boards in the context of a user or organization.
Add and commit your files to svn
Type: Boolean
Default Value: false
Whether or not to actually peroform this step. Essentially an opt-in for folks who want to use the consolidated task.
Type: String
Default Value: false
Useful for debugging. Will cause the svn
command to be written to the console
rather than actually run.
Type: String
Default Value: true
Whether or not to force add the files to version control.
Type: Array<String>
Default Value: ['.']
The files to add and commit. Defaults to everything. Must be an array.
This is a convenience task for running the three tasks above. It would build configs for each and run them for you. All valid settings and options for the above tasks can be added here.
A full blown example:
ivantage_trello_release_boards: {
awesome_product: {
// Silence is golden.
// We can omit most settings here, they will be read fromt the
// ivantage_trello_release_notes's target of the same name.
ivantage_trello_release_notes: {
options: {
awesome_product: {
productLabel: 'AWESOME_PRODUCT',
trelloApiKey: process.env.TRELLO_API_KEY,
trelloToken: process.env.TRELLO_TOKEN
// Note that in this case board ids are set by the
// `ivantage_trello_release_boards` task target of the same name.
ivantage_trello_release_notes_publish: {
awesome_product: {
files: {
'path/to/public/folder/release-notes.html': 'releasenotes/*.md'
ivantage_trello_svn_ci: {
awesome_product: {
options: {
svnCommitPaths: [
Using the consolidated task:
ivantage_trello_release: {
options: {
header: '<html>...',
footer: '...</html>',
svnDoCommit: true
awesome_product: {
productLabel: 'AWESOME_PRODUCT',
trelloApiKey: process.env.TRELLO_API_KEY,
trelloToken: process.env.TRELLO_TOKEN
files: {
'path/to/public/folder/release-notes.html': 'releasenotes/*.md'
Please see our contribution guidelines.
- 2015-06-22 v0.6.0 Add option to sort markdown shards before concat
- 2015-06-05 v0.5.1 Strip bracketted text from default li template
- 2015-06-05 v0.5.0 Skip note creation if no boards provided (failed before)
- 2015-06-05 v0.4.0 Add task (opt-in) to commit files to svn
- 2015-06-05 v0.3.0 Add convenience task for running everything
- 2015-06-04 v0.2.0 Add publish and board selection tasks
- 2015-06-03 v0.1.0 Initial Release