This file is automatically generated from the changelogs.json file, using ./utils/helpers/createChangelogMD.js
- No database mode: when selfhosting, you can now use the bot without a database
- Fixed >loop: when re-executing the command, it turns the loop off if the mode is the same as the previous
- Uptime alias to >ping
- Fixed reddit-based commands
- Added deezer support for music (deezer links don't yet work, but deezer can be used as a much better bridge then soundcloud)
- Lowered >play and >skip cooldowns
- Added proper SoundGasm extractor (\)
- Added >playerstats: get stats about the current queue and player
- Multiple fixes
- Added >hangman
- Added >rockpaperscissors
- Added >roulette
- Added >russianroulette
- Added >femboys (against my will)
- Multiple fixes
- Added >blackjack
- Moved >blackjack and >guess to games category
- Multiple fixes
- Added Sentry logging support
- >jump, >remove and >move now can take queries instead of a position
- Added -search to >queue, searches for a song in the queue and get it's position
- >botinfo now has process info
- >nowplaying now shows the paused and loop status better
- >skip now shows what you skipped, and what will now play
- Massive embed refactoring
- Help page has slash commands
- Blacklist (should) work for slash commands
- New >source command
- Fixed music again dammnit
- Better >play response embed
- Hotfix to YouTube links containing 'list' search parameter not fetching and erroring out
- Added Tidal and Deezer support for music
- Fixed music by using a new YT extractor (use SoundCloud links if any issues arise while I fix it)
- Added -pn to >play, puts the song up next ([p]lay [n]ext)
- Removed Herobrine
- Made dashed paramters usable anywhere
- Made command parameters more explicit in the help command (eg. >help emote)
- >userinfo can now be used with a username
- Bot asks for proper permissions upon joining a server
- Reddit commands now work (at least more than before)
- Switch >bird, >otter, and >dog to use reddit
- New >topic command, uses LDA to get the topic of the last X messages
- Refactoring
- Fixed issues related to DB
- Cat command uses API instead of Reddit
- Switched >ask and >asktts from PaLM to Gemini
- Added -s parameter to >play (>play <[link]> -s) to shuffle before starting to play
- Fixed >linkinfo
- Massive refactoring
- Combined functions, better event handler, console commands
- Added /autoresponse: same as /autoreaction, but replies instead of reacting
- Removed
WD-40 is typing ...
for fast command (now is dynamic depending on the command execution time) - After being auto-corrected by the bot for a typo, saying yes will execute the command
- Some activity statuses are now dynamically updated everyday
- Added <all> parameter for auto-reactions
- Fixed duplicate emotes for auto-reactions
- New support server! |
- Activity status now look like a actual status (no
Playing ...
) - gamer
- Music player now supports Soundgasm (why did you make me do this)
- Lots of fixes
- /autoreaction: You can now configure auto-reactions to certain messages in certain channels
- Even more improvements to >help
- some fixes to the stupid music plugin
- Lots of fixes
- >ask: Switched from chatGPT to PaLM (Google AI), no need to jailbreak!
- >blacklist: no permission argument gives the list of blacklists for the specified user
- >help: Uses fields instead of the embed's description. Better limits
- >moveall, >deafenall and >muteall: doesn't affect bots anymore
- Lots of fixes
- Added new commands: >mps New category: Text manipulation
- Moved brainfuck and alphfuck to Text Manipulation category
- Fixes
- Added new commands: >tts >fakemessage
- Moved brainfuck and alphfuck to esolangs category
- Can now ping the bot instead of using prefix to execute a command, pinging without any argument will give the guild's prefix
- Fixes
- Added new commands: >emojify >uwufy
- Added context commands: Right click user > apps > userinfo Right click message > apps > translate
- Fixes
- Added new commands: >blacklist >brainfuck >alphuck
- Fixes
- Added new commands: >moveall, >deafenall, >moveall >inviteinfo
- Fixes
- Added new commands in the NSFW category
- Updated >linkinfo
- Faster API requests for certain commands
- added aliases & cooldowns to certain commands
- Fixes
- Added new commands: >mcskin: get the skin of a minecraft user >wikihow: get a random image from Wikihow >emote: easely add a emote/sticker to a server >linkinfo: analize a link
- Fixes
- Added new command: >stats
- Fixes
- Added new slash command: /count
- Fixes
- Added command usage: >help -u
- Individual command help: >help <command name>
- Updates to database
- New music plugin and commands
- Fixes
- New commands: botinfo and quote
- Fixes
- New command: country
- Fixes
- New commands: Advice, urban and guess (akinator)
- Fixes
- New commands: Neko and Joke
- Fixes
- Added lots of embeds
- Fixes
- Function updates
- Fixes
- Added a LOT of slash commands
- Fixes
- Updated >Help
- Fixes
- Bug fixes and error handling in certain commands
- Ability to change the personality prompt per guild for ChatGPT
- Changed colors for the music embeds
- Fixed the music part of the bot
- >help now has a page system
- Refactoring
- Multiple new commands (>cat, >dog, >minecraft, >meme, >fact)
- Completlely switched to a database system
- Auto-responses are now per guilds and disabled by default
- Added context and Jailbreak to ChatGPT
- Added >roll, can roll dices
- Added >furry, you know what this is
- Multiple bug fixes and optimization
- Added ChatGPT-3.5 (>ask)
- Made the rule34 command fetch from instead of Reddit
- Reddit command now can fetch a user post (>help)
- Reddit and rule34 command now checks for NSFW channel
- Userinfo command also gives the highest level of the target user
- Added >changelog
- Added a database system
- Event handler
- Added a dynamic help command