- Install makefile.
- Install docker
- run in terminal in the root folder. 'make local-test'
- export these variables: export DB_HOST=localhost export DB_USER=test_user export DB_PASS=test_password export DB_PORT=5432 export DB_SSL_MODE=disable export PORT=8080 export DB_NAME=test_db
- run in terminal in the root folder. 'go run main.go'
- run your desired api
- Modify code in main.go openDB to include ssl certs.
- export these variables: export DB_HOST={yourhosttoyourdb} export DB_USER={yourdbuser} export DB_PASS={yourdbpassword} export DB_PORT={yourdbport} export DB_SSL_MODE={verifyca} export PORT={the port you want to run your application} export DB_NAME={yourdbname}
- run in terminal in the root folder. 'go run main.go'
- run your desired api