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File metadata and controls

181 lines (135 loc) · 5.71 KB

User documentation

This document describes what minutiae does and how to use it.


Readers must be familiar with the Erlang programming language, the concepts of OTP and should have a basic understanding of the URL structure.


minutiae tries to provide a short summary of any remote resource. This can be a title, a filesize, the resolution of an image etc. The intented usecase is to provide short previews for links posted in chat programs.

For example, if we give minutiae a link to a photo: it will return the following information:

#{m => http_file_image,
  t => <<"image/png, 128x128, Size: 13.15 KB">>,

  artist => <<>>,
  explicit => 0.0,
  filename => <<>>,
  height => 128,
  mimetype => <<"image/png">>,
  size => <<"13.15 KB">>,
  title => <<>>,
  width => 128}


Once minutiae is up and running you can use it as follows:

Getting the title from a website:

get_title(Link) ->
    {ok, #{t := Title}} = minutiae:get(Link),

%% <<"hyperimpose">> = get_title("").

For some select websites, special features have also been implemented. On YouTube, for example, you can search for videos using the following URL:<YOUR QUERY HERE>


{ok,#{m => http_youtube_search,
      t => <<"Happy Mondays Kuff Dam - YouTube">>,
      results =>
          [#{name => <<"Happy Mondays - Kuff Dam">>,
             date => <<"5 years ago">>,
             duration => <<"3:07">>,
             channel => <<"London Records">>,
             short_url => <<"">>,
             views => <<"69,786 views">>,
             yt_id => <<"KAdR0yw0kSk">>},
           #{name => <<"Happy Mondays - Kuff Dam">>,
             date => <<"16 years ago">>,
             duration => <<"1:59">>,
             channel => <<"dukes007">>,
             short_url => <<"">>,
             views => <<"24,951 views">>,
             yt_id => <<"3lnm7Z1uRbg">>},
           #{name => <<"Happy Mondays - Kuff Dam (Peel Session)">>,
             date => <<"1 year ago">>,
             duration => <<"4:21">>,
             channel => <<"Vibracobra23 Redux">>,
             short_url => <<"">>,
             views => <<"1,245 views">>,
             yt_id => <<"WM4jet1e3rE">>} ... ]}}

Using this you can implement things such as a youtube search bot.

API reference



-type options() :: #{lang => binary(),
                     timeout => integer(),
                     skip_cache => boolean()}.


-type response() :: {ok, minutiae_response:http()}
                  | false
                  | {error, Message :: binary()}.

See minutiae_response for a complete description of the possible map types that can be returned.


get(Link :: string) -> response() | {error, unsupported_scheme}.
get(Link :: string(), Options :: options()) -> response() | {error, unsupported_scheme}.

Access the remote resource in the Link and return a map with a short summary of its content.

  • Schemes supported: HTTP / HTTPS


lang default: <<"en">>

An IETF BCP 47 language tag. This tag is used when requesting the resource. It is not guaranteed that the output will be in specified language.

timeout default: 15_000

The amount of time in milliseconds to wait for a response. This is a gen_server timeout and if exceeded it will exit the calling process. It does not control the internal timeout of minutia (the Python library).

skip_cache default: false

minutiae uses a cache to speed up multiple calls to the same resource. Setting the option skip_cache to true will skip the cache and a fresh result will be retrieved.

set_http_useragent(UA :: binary()) -> ok.

Set the User-Agent header used when making HTTP requests.

set_lang(Lang :: binary()) -> ok.

Set the default language to try and get the resource in. E.g. en-US

set_max_filesize(Size :: integer()) -> ok.

Set the max number of bytes to download when the content is a file. File downloads are used to provide extra metadata. The files are temporarily saved in /tmp and are deleted after the libary is done processing them. If the file is bigger than this number it is not downloaded.

Set this to 0 to disable this feature.

set_max_htmlsize(Size :: integer()) -> ok.

Set the max number of bytes to download when the content is an HTML document.

Set this to 0 to disable HTML document parsing.

Special links

This section lists all the links that are handled in a special way to provide extra information. See minutiae_response for the exact format of the returned map.

mechanismlink format / Caps: Any text / [ … ]: Optional params
http_lainchan_thread BOARD /res/ THREAD .html [# POST_ID]
http_youtube_search QUERY