- infrastructure - Collection of templates for gitlab jobs which repeat when deploying infrastructure to AWS via Terraform
- .gitlab-ci-tf-aws-all-env-deploy.yml - Sample template to deploy to 3 AWS accounts (dev, stag, prod). This would be incorporated into a repository of terraform resource definitions.
- Gitlab is used to store AWS account numbers (dev,stag and prod)
- Role assumption from root to environment accounts (dev, stag, prod) via the Control Tower IAM roles is used prior to Terraform cli execution
- Terraform Repository is structured as follows
- backends
- dev.hcl
- stag.hcl
- prod.hcl
- environments
- dev.tfvars
- stag.tfvars
- prod.tfvars
- main.tf
- resrouces.tf
- variables.tf
- backends