The script "up" creates our DB container, compiles and executes our binary:
1. docker-compose -f db/cars/docker-compose.yml up -d
2. go build -o gin_api src/main.go
3. ./gin_api
The script "down" removed our DB container:
1. docker-compose -f db/cars/docker-compose.yml down
The repository includes a Postman collection in the 'postman' directory.
In this project we utilize Bombardier to conduct load-testing.
The subject of our tests is the /car-details
endpoint, which is responsible for retrieving various vehicle-related data from different repositories and responding with an aggregate object.
Command: bombardier -m GET localhost:8080/car-details/1 -c 10 -n 1000
Reqs/sec: 243.22
Latency: 41.86ms (Avg)
HTTP codes: 2xx - 1000
Throughput: 202.82KB/s
Command: bombardier -m GET localhost:8080/car-details/1 -c 100 -n 1000
Reqs/sec: 1917.87 (↑689.74% from Test 1)
Latency: 47.26ms (↑12.92% from Test 1)
HTTP codes: 2xx - 1000
Throughput: 1.60MB/s (↑687.62% from Test 1)
Command: bombardier -m GET localhost:8080/car-details/1 -c 1000 -n 2000
Reqs/sec: 1244.00 (↑411.63% from Test 1)
Latency: 742.03ms (↑1676.64% from Test 1)
HTTP codes: 2xx - 2000
Throughput: 1.02MB/s (↑404.95% from Test 1)
The baseline test (Test 1), which serves as our reference point, simulates a moderate load with 10 concurrent connections and 1000 requests. In this scenario:
- The application achieved a request rate of 243.22 requests per second.
- The average latency was measured at 41.86ms.
- All 1000 requests resulted in successful HTTP 2xx responses.
In Test 2, where 100 concurrent connections and 1000 requests were applied:
- The request rate increased significantly by 689.74% compared to the baseline (Test 1).
- Latency increased slightly by 12.92% compared to the baseline.
- Throughput exhibited an enormous increase of 687.62% compared to that of the baseline.
In Test 3, with 1000 concurrent connections and 2000 requests:
- The request rate maintained a relatively high level, increasing by 411.63% compared to the baseline.
- The average latency saw a substantial increase of 1676.64% compared to the baseline.
- Throughput showed a considerable increase of 404.95% compared to the baseline.
- This test also successfully processed all 2000 requests with HTTP 2xx responses.
These findings suggest that this application performs better at moderate to high concurrent loads, where C=100 seems to be the sweet spot in terms of throughput.