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EPR: A Factoring and Primality checking library for C++


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The "P-Rho" Factoring Library

Alt text

P-Rho is an easy to use, high performance library (header-only) for C++ for factoring and for primality checking, optimized for arbitrary 64 bit input values; it supports all integer types up to 128 bit. At the time of this writing, it should provide you with the fastest factoring routine available for arbitrary 64 bit values. The P-Rho library uses variants of the Pollard-Rho and the deterministic Miller-Rabin algorithms, as described further below.

Design Goals

The main goal of P-Rho was to create correct routines with the best possible performance when factoring and primality checking native integer types. Though the library accepts types up to 128 bit, you should be aware that other algorithms (e.g. ECM) are more suitable for values high above (1<<64).

A secondary goal was to exercise the Clockwork modular arithmetic library, which is a dependency for P-Rho.


The P-Rho library requires compiler support for C++17 (if you are not using CMake, you may need to specify the option -std="c++17" when compiling). Compilers that are confirmed to build the library without warnings or errors on x86 include clang6, clang10, gcc7, gcc10, intel compiler 19, and Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 and 2019. The library is intended for use on all architectures (e.g. x86/64, ARM, RISC-V, Power), but has been tested only on x86/x64.

For good performance you must ensure that the standard macro NDEBUG (see <cassert>) is defined when compiling.


Released. All planned functionality and unit tests are finished and working correctly.


  • Jeffrey Hurchalla


This project is licensed under the MPL 2.0 License - see the LICENSE.TXT file for details

How to use the library

With CMake

If you're using CMake for your project and you wish to add this library to it, then clone this git repository onto your system. In your project's CMakeLists.txt file, add the following two lines with appropriate changes to their italic portions to match your project and paths ( an easy replacement for your_binary_dir is ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} ):
add_subdirectory(path_of_the_cloned_factoring_repository   your_binary_dir/factoring)
target_link_libraries(your_project_target_name   hurchalla_factoring)

For best performance you must ensure that the standard macro NDEBUG (see <cassert>) is defined when compiling. You can do this by calling CMake with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release.

It may help to see a simple example project with CMake.

Without CMake

If you're not using CMake for your project, you'll need to install/copy the P-Rho library's headers and dependencies to some directory in order to use them. To do this, first clone this git repository onto your system. You'll need CMake on your system (at least temporarily), so install CMake if you don't have it. Then from your shell run the following commands:

cd path_of_the_cloned_factoring_repository
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
cmake -S.. -B.
cmake --install . --prefix the_folder_you_want_to_install_to
If you prefer, for the last command you could instead use CMake's default install location (on linux this is /usr/local) by omitting the --prefix and subsequent folder.

This will copy all the header files needed for the factoring library to an "include" subfolder in the installation folder of your choosing. When compiling your project, you'll of course need to ensure that you have that include subfolder as part of your include path.

For good performance you must ensure that the standard macro NDEBUG (see <cassert>) is defined when compiling. You can generally do this by adding the option flag -DNDEBUG to your compile command.

It may help to see a simple example.


The API consists of five header files in total (all the headers that are not under the detail folder). These files are the three general purpose files factorize.h, is_prime.h, greatest_common_divisor.h, and in the resource_intensive_api folder, the two special purpose files factorize_intensive_uint32.h and IsPrimeIntensive.h. Please view these files for their documentation. A quick summary of the functions is provided below; in all cases T is a template parameter of integral type.

hurchalla::factorize(T x, int& num_factors). Returns a std::array containing the factors of x.
hurchalla::factorize_to_vector(T x). Returns a std::vector containing the factors of x.
hurchalla::greatest_common_divisor(T a, T b). Returns the greatest common divisor of a and b.
hurchalla::is_prime(T x). Returns true if x is prime. Otherwise returns false.

(from the resource_intensive_api folder)
hurchalla::IsPrimeIntensive(T x). This is a functor that returns true if x is prime, and otherwise returns false. Depending on the type T, this functor can use a very large amount of memory and can take many seconds to construct. See IsPrimeIntensive.h for details.
hurchalla::factorize_intensive_uint32(uint32_t x, int& num_factors, const IsPrimeIntensive<uint32_t,true>& ipi). Returns a std::array containing the factors of x. Note that the IsPrimeIntensive argument will usually take many seconds to construct and will use a large amount of memory. See IsPrimeIntensive.h for details.


For factoring: Pollard-Rho Brent ("An Improved Monte Carlo Factorization Algorithm" by Richard Brent, and, preceded by a stage of trial division using special algorithms for divisibility (Section 10-17 from Hacker's Delight 2nd edition by Henry Warren, and "ALGORITHM A: IS_DIV_A" from "Efficient long division via Montgomery multiply" by Ernst W. Mayer).

For primality testing: Deterministic Miller-Rabin ( and If using the resource_intensive_api, also Sieve of Eratosthenes for 32 bit and smaller types (

Special attention was paid to instruction level parallelism, to take advantage of typical pipelined/superscalar CPUs. This resulted in modifications to some algorithms. For example, Miller-Rabin is changed (along with its associated modular exponentiation) to perform more than one trial/exponentiation at a time. And there is a changed Pollard-Rho Brent algorithm that simultaneously advances two independent sequences (from which it extracts factors), rather than just one.

Near-optimal hash tables are used for fast deterministic Miller-Rabin primality testing. For information on the tables and how they were generated, you can view the, and see the header files with the tables. The general purpose functions hurchalla::is_prime and hurchalla::factoring use some of the smallest of these hash tables (8 to 320 byte), to minimize memory footprint and cache impact while still receiving a performance boost. The resource_intensive_api functions use the largest of the hash tables for best possible performance.

The Pollard-Rho-Brent algorithm uses an easy extra step that seems to be unmentioned in the literature. The step is a "pre-loop" that advances as quickly as possible through a portion of the initial pseduo-random sequence before beginning the otherwise normal Pollard-Rho Brent algorithm. The rationale for this is that every Pollard-Rho pseudo-random sequence begins with a non-periodic segment, and trying to extract factors from that segment is mostly wasted work since the algorithm logic relies on a periodic sequence. Using a "pre-loop" that does nothing except iterate for a set number of times through the sequence thus improves performance on average, since it quickly gets past some of that unwanted non-periodic segment. In particular, the "pre-loop" avoids calling the greatest common divisor, since it would rarely find a factor during the non-periodic segment. This optimization would likely help any form/variant of the basic Pollard-Rho algorithm.

Performance Notes

If you're interested in experimenting, predefining certain macros when compiling can improve performance - see