CLISMA is an console-based desktop enviroment. Mostly for fun.
Stands for 'Command-Line-Interface System Manager Accompanier'
- curses
- evdev
- pydoc
- python 3.10 or newer
Just execute with sudo or root, while in the folder.
sudo is required because of reading device input from /dev/input. root privilegies isn't required for CLIsma shell.
cd ./CLIsma
sudo python
Usage: --flag1 {required1} (optional2) --flag2 ...
Insert flags before others to control order of execution
Use -# instead of - for opposite effect: supported commands marked with !
! -b --brief Quick common info
! -d, --debug Debug mode
! -f, --force Disable confirmation (Warning: force deletion with -r)
! -h, --help Print help message
! -i, --install {package_name} (archive_path) Install a package
! -r, --remove {package_name} Remove a package
! -s, --shell Shell mode (start CLIsma Shell)