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142 lines (102 loc) · 3.95 KB

File metadata and controls

142 lines (102 loc) · 3.95 KB



JS object to request access to the webcam and microphone of the user on the browser.

Can be used on:

    Google Chrome;

    Firefox - Android;
    Google Chrome - Android;
    Default browser - Android;

How to use

Download the file requestMedia.js or requestMedia.min.js Add this code in the html you want to use this API:

With requestMedia.min.js:

<script src="/folder/where/the/file/is/requestMedia.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

With requestMedia.js:

<script src="/folder/where/the/file/is/requestMedia.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

On your JS file is necessary to instantiate the object. Do it using this code:

var media = new requestMedia({
    feed_in: document.getElementById( ... ),
    feed_out: document.getElementById( ... ),
    name: 'Test.mp4',
    required_audio: true,
    required_video: true,
    file_type: 'video/mp4',
    onGetPermission: function () { ... },
    onForgetPermission: function () { ... },
    onDeniedPermission: function (err) { ... }
    onStartRecording: function () { ... },
    onStopRecording: function () { ... },
    onPictureTaken: function () { ... },
    onDownload: function () { ... }

Meaning of the options:

feed_in -> HTML5 video element (<video>\<audio>)
feed_out -> HTML5 video element (<video>\<audio>)
name -> Name of the file on download
file_type -> Type of file
required_audio -> If you want to an audio device
required_video -> If you want to use a video device
onGetPermission -> Callback function after getting permission
onForgetPermission -> Callback function after forgetting all permissions
onDeniedPermission -> Callback function if the permission is not granted
onStartRecording -> Function to execute on event startRecording
onStopRecording -> Function to execute on event stopRecording
onPictureTaken -> Function to execute on event PictureTaken
onDownload -> Function to execute on event Download

Request access to media

After creating an instance of the object, you can request access to the media like this:


After getting the permissions, if you have passed an HTML5 (video/audio) element at feed_in option, the feed will be displayed in the respective element.

Recording video/audio

Recording the feed

After getting permission from the user, you can record the feed. This is done using the function:


Stop the recording

To stop the recording, you just need to call the function:


At this point, if you have passed an HTML5 (video/audio) element at feed_out option, the file recorded will be displayed in the respective element.

Taking a picture

Setting the canvas

To take a picture, you'll need to set and start the canvas. You can do it like this:

/*canvas -> element canvas.*/

width -> width you want to give your canvas.
We keep a 9/12 proportion on the canvas, like this -> heigth = width * 9/12.

Taking the picture

To take the actual picture, after setting the canvas, tou just nedd to call this function:


At this point you have your picture draw to the canvas, so you can do whatever you want with it.

Download the file recorded

You can also download the file after recording it. To do it, just use this code:


Forgetting permission access

After you get access to the hardware, unless the user go to another page or reload the page, the browser will keep the connection with the webcam/microphone open. This function is used to close the connection and forget the permission you got. The call is done like this:
