: experiments about the question: when changing the activation of a module with forward hooks (say A -> A'), the backward hook will capture the gradient pre- or post- the forward modification (grad for A or A')? The answer is the grad captured by backward hook is the grad for last/newest activation.
: deals with non ASCII characters when using gpt2 tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(). In some cases we need to keep the tokenized structure (so we cannot use tokenizer.decode()) to associate each token with a value. But these characters will become unrecognizable if one just convert ids into tokens. This file shows a workaround on this.
: It turns out that cosine_similarity()
of pytorch is not very efficient when computing pair-wise similarity. Simply writing it in another way can make it much much faster! In my own proj where I found this trick, it became 10 times faster.