public protocol Element {
var content: ElementContent { get }
func backingViewDescription(with context: ViewDescriptionContext) -> ViewDescription?
struct BlueSquare: Element {
var content: ElementContent {
return ElementContent(intrinsicSize: CGSize(width: 90.0, height: 90.0))
func backingViewDescription(with context: ViewDescriptionContext) -> ViewDescription? {
return UIView.describe { config in
config[\.backgroundColor] = .blue
If the element is view-backed, it should return a view description from this method.
This method is called after layout is complete, and the passed in context provides information about the layout:
Contains the extent of the element after the layout is calculated in the element's local coordinate space.
A rectangle, given within the element's local coordinate space, that completely contains all of the element's children. nil
will be provided if the element has no children.
Most view-backed elements will not need to care about the bounds or subtree extent, but they are provided for the rare cases when they are needed.
The Environment the element is rendered with.
struct MyElement: Element {
// ...
func backingViewDescription(with context: ViewDescriptionContext) -> ViewDescription? {
return UIImageView.describe { config in
config[\.image] = UIImage(named: "cat")
config[\.contentMode] = .scaleAspectFill
represents the content within an element.
Elements can contain multiple children with a complex layout, a single child, or simply an intrinsic size that allows the element to participate in a layout.
public struct ElementContent : Measurable {
public func measure(in constraint: SizeConstraint) -> CGSize
public var childCount: Int { get }
extension ElementContent {
public static func container<LayoutType>(layout: LayoutType, configure: (inout Builder<LayoutType>) -> Void = { _ in }) -> ElementContent where LayoutType : Layout
public static func container(element: Element, layout: SingleChildLayout) -> ElementContent
public static func container(element: Element) -> ElementContent
public static func leaf(measurable: Measurable) -> ElementContent
public static func leaf(measureFunction: @escaping (SizeConstraint) -> CGSize) -> ElementContent
public static func leaf(intrinsicSize: CGSize) -> ElementContent
var content: ElementContent {
return ElementContent(intrinsicSize: CGSize(width: 100, height: 100))
var content: ElementContent {
return ElementContent(measurable: CustomMeasurer())
var content: ElementContent {
return ElementContent { constraint in
return CGSize(width: constraint.max.width, height: 44.0)
var content: ElementContent {
return ElementContent(child: WrappedElement())
var content: ElementContent {
return ElementContent(child: WrappedElement(), layout: MyCustomLayout())
var content: ElementContent {
return ElementContent(layout: MyCustomLayout()) { builder in
builder.add(child: WrappedElementA())
builder.add(child: WrappedElementB())
builder.add(child: WrappedElementC())