You'll probably need to change these to fit your needs.
- percentages
- runtime
- volts
- est. watts
dependencies: apcaccess
graph indices by
- document count
- size
- status
graphs: currently banned count by jail
dependencies: fail2ban-client
env.jails jail1 jail2 jailn
use these like any snmp plugins:
ln -s /whereever/snmp__mikrotik_cpu /etc/munin/plugins/snmp_My.Host.com_mikrotik_cpu
### munin.conf ###
use_node_name no
link snmp__mikrotik_storage as snmp_HOST_mikrotik_mem or _disk
dependencies: snmpget
env.snmpopts -l authNoPriv -u MyUser -a SHA -A MyPassword -r 2
env.numcpu 4
env.iflist # leave empty/unset: dynamically find and name all interfaces
env.iflist 2 3 5 # only show interfaces 2 3 5
env.iflist eth1 eth2 # show ifs 1, 2 and name them eth1, eth2 - these have to be in order and start at if 1. Saves traffic and exectime
env.storageID 65536 # this one is optional, when linked as _mem oder _disk, it will set a default OID. Set if your storage has a different id.
dependencies squidclient
env.squidport 3128