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Anthony Headley edited this page May 4, 2020 · 1 revision

FeatureGroups Data Object


This object represents the data for the selected Feature Groups Collection.

This may not be an extensive list of properties.

The property name can be refered as follows: Function(x).Name

  • Function(x)["Name"]

If the property name starts with a digit, contains a space or is a reserved word you must use the ["Property"] syntax. See Section 2.1 of the Lua manual for more information


Name Type Description
:Parent() AttributeDefinations
:GetClass() string "FeatureGroup"
:Children() table Feature
Name string The feature group name
Pretty string Currently this parent item is always a empty string
PresetMode string The default preset mode for this group.
AttribCount nil This parent object will always be nil?
LogChannels nil This parent object will always be nil?
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